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Lets take a look for potential options to illustrate during April 2020's first update cycle and vote for our favorite ones!    

Void Makers by Kneeshaw Developments

This void watcher, a once living wizard has forsaken the four natural elements and embraced choas. They use a black/purple blade called a soul stealer and hold a black lantern which emits no light only black smoke. 

https://imgur.com/E6U94zV Empowered crystal Crystal from the void pulled through to our world with magic chain. These constructs follow the Watcher that brought them and become living the more creatures they destroy. I would have 3 variants of this archtype/ All based on the rocky/void crystal held together by chain. 1. A large tanky hulk 2. large stone with multiple chain arms / damage dealer 3. small scout https://imgur.com/Tmz2LiG

The Heaven Beasts First Form by Donald Hounnankan

First monster: Known as Byakko or The white monarch or the king of beasts. Byakko is a giant white tiger with black stripes in places and able to control lightning and wind. 

Second monster: Known as Genbu or The black monarch or the king of scaly creatures. Genbu is a giant green torture with a shell made of obsidian-colored cristaux and a tail in the shape of a black snake which makes the around his waist and whose head appears on the left side next to the head of torture and capable of controlling the earth and water. 

Third monster: Known as Seiryu or The azure monarch or even the king of dragons. Seiryu is a giant dragon of Chinese style (shape of a snake with and horns in the form of wood like a stag towards the back and a pair of small arms in the front and hind legs) of bluish green color and white ventral scales and able to control the wind and the water.

Fallen Star Collection I by Damian Castaway

Sentient Elemental Meteorites Creatures you would like to see in the pack: Earth Element Meteorite, Fire Element Meteorite and a Lightning Element Meteorite.

Elemental Raptors II by Damian Castaway

Light Raptor (eyes could be glowy), Wind Raptor (Could have little angel/dragon wings) and an electric raptor (Could have sparks shooting from it's mouth and its body could be covered in lightning-bolt-like stripes)

Alien Parasites I by Damian Castaway

I kind of imagine these Masses of goo attatching themselves to various creatures in various places; and from this goo spreads all these little feelers that kind of have a vein-like pattern to them and they cover the hosts body; allowing the parasite to take control. The hosts eyes always turn a solid green colour. I'd like to suggest the first pack of poor beasts to be controlled by these creatures to be a Goblin (Preferably with the same design-ish as the Spider-Rider; but without the spider :P), a Troll and I was hoping we could get away with having one of the Legendary Knights be possessed by one of these creatures. If thats not possible maybe a zombified tortoise; but the Parasite has taken on a mutation and made several spikes from its goo all over the shell?

Scorpion Variation I by Donald Hounnankan

Scorpion living in different natural environments . Ice Scorpion - - These are scorpions that live in areas with very low temperatures, such as ice or snowy environments. These scorpions have large claws and a dart made of ice and their bodies are ice blue in color. Desert Scorpion - - These are scorpions living in desert areas. These scorpions have large black claws and darts and their bodies are the color of desert sand. Blood Scorpion - - Creature created by a forbidden blood spell that turns the blood of the fallen allies into a swarm of scorpion, the main one of which is to satiate the hatred of those fallen into battle. Thus it is a puddle of blood in the form of scorpion.

Shadow Invocations II by Donald Hounnankan

Always in the principle of the creation of the class "Shadow Monarch" whose main ability is the invocation.The new shadow monsters are (in this part of the representation of the shadows will be done with two colors: black and red for some part place): First monster: shadow obtained from a high elf dead in combat and whose specialty was the double dagger fight.The shadow has the shape of an elf with two daggers in hands and attack positions; on his neck a white scarf spotted with blood and worn. Second monster: the second shadow is that of a wyvern (for the form leaves the choice to our favorite draftsman). Third monster: The third shadow is that of a weapon a piece of red fabric around the guard of the weapon. During a time when war was the fastest way to find supplies the scientist and alchemist in their quest for a powerful weapon to create a two-pointed spear with an artificial mind and telepathic ability that had the ability to protect his master in case he lost a fight during a fight. But over the years this weapon acquired such a quantity of experience and knowledge that it could be attributed a quality of being alive.

Arthurian Warriors I by SenG

This will be the start of my series of suggestions to rival the Legendary Knights: the characters of Arthurian Legend. Famed powerhouses like Lancelot and Arthur himself will be animated suggestions. To start my statics, I’ll list off characteristics of my first three knights of Arthurian Legend.

Lamorak, Arthurian Knight of Wrath: History has a funny way of remembering these men. We now think of a strong man who fought off many. The truth is far more intimidating. Lamorak is a giant man, six arms in total, and each wielding a different weapon made from the bones of his enemies. Lamorak is characterized by blind rage, beating on whatever he can get his hands on. 

Galahad, Arthurian Knight of Pride: Characterized by his gentle fighting style, Galahad is a tall man who nimbly leaps around the battle. He wields a long spear that matches his narrow frame, but he’s often distracted by his narcissistic tendencies. The opposite of Gawain in every way. 

Palamedes, Arthurian Knight of Perception: A royal archer, specializing in his enormous longbow, who wears his kingdom’s colors with pride. Not the tallest of the Arthurian Knights, but his eye is renowned throughout the ages.

Spiritual Beasts I by Donald Hounnankan

As present in several manga talking about spiritual master or spiritual cultivator, each (Tales of demon and beast or Versatile Mage), this set is a pack of monsters that can be integrated into a person's spiritual body and used for transformation or as invocations for this fight and to learn martial art techniques using spiritual energy. 

First monster: Nicknamed The Wild Board King, this spiritual beast is often used by spiritual masters putting priority on physical strength and defense. It is a giant boar with two great defenses at the level of the mouth, and three side horns arranged in the shape of a triangle at the level of the shoulders and runic tattoos on these four feet. It is brown in color with reddish areas and a well pronounced musculature and blue eyes of the same color as the tattoos. 

Second monster: Nicknamed The Three Tailed Red Fox, this spiritual beast is often used by spiritual masters putting priority on agility and spiritual strength. It is a red fox with three bushy tails and one color brown for the ventral and torso coats, on the torso are a rune of red color and yellow eyes and in a shouting position. 

Third monster: Nicknamed Blood Stained Three-eyed Wolf, this spiritual beast is often used by spiritual masters putting priority on spiritual strength and attacks of the spirit. It is a wolf of normal size, white coat and red in certain places and which has in addition to these eyes, a frontal eye of yellow color. And a severe air.

Eldritch Corruption VI by Charles W.

Stationary items and creatures use to bolster the eldritch army Obelisk: upon entry into its sphere of influence you feel a sense of dread and something telling you to turn back. Too late to turn back you see the origin of the dread. Standing before you is a massive obelisk standing 12 feet high and 5 feet wide. What is odd is it is not made of stone or metal but instead flesh and bones. The base is made of legs intertwined into each other, some long some short. Each side of the obelisk is a mix of heads and skulls from varying species some with flesh and others without and some screaming while others are blank. Holding the skulls in place are an amalgamation of arms and flesh keeping it together. It seems these are put in points of interest to heal and strengthen eldritch forces nearby. As a defensive mechanism it can use its arms to grab nearby enemies and add them to itself. It can send pulses to summon allies or disorient enemies. Portal: for the longest time scholars believed the eldritch forces came from corrupting others but the numbers did not match. They were partially correct upon discovering the use of Eldritch Portals bring forces from unknown other worlds. Standing a full 9 feet tall two corrupt arms sprout from the ground in opposite directions bending at the elbows and clasping hands to form the portal arch. While the hands are clasped red, black, and purple energy swirls making the portal. At the base skulls form a ring with teeth sprouting from the ground. Primarily used to summon new forces if attacked it has its own defenses. The first is concentrating the portal energy to send spatial energy blasts at enemies. As a last resort it will break the portal freeing both hands allowing it to punch, pummel, grab, and throw enemies who get too close. Living Pit: This is one of the oddest creations. A living pit designed to be a permanent guardian or torture spot. At first glance looks like a massive pit but once you get closer you see the terror below. Large teeth start protruding from all sides of the pit with 5 massive tentacles coming out from the center. No one knows what happens if you get pulled in but it is heard from eldritch generals that it is a thousand year digestion.

Snakes' head animal mutations/fusions by Reïzod

Three differents snakes : First one : A rat with a snake head and snake hoods and his tongue out. The rest of the body is a mouse/rat body. Colors : the snake part is green-yellowish, the eyes are red, and the rat body is grey/black 

Second one : A cat, same as the rat with a snake head and snake hoods instead of a cat head and tongue out. But the rest of the body is a cat body. Colors : the snake part is green, the eyes are yellow, and the cat body is white. 

Third one : A dog, same as the two above, snake head, snake hoods, tongue out, a dog body. Colors : the snake part is yellow, the eyes are red, and the dog body is brownish. Also : The snakes parts of these 3 creatures have snake scales.   

Shadow Invocations III by Donald HOUNNANKAN

Always in the principle of the creation of the class "Shadow Monarch" whose main ability is the invocation. The new shadow monsters are (in this part of the representation of the shadows will be done with two colors: black and blue for some part place ): First monster: the first shadow is called the Phantom Cat. It is a cat reaching the size of a man's ankle and having pointed claws. Second monster: the second shadow is a griffin but here the tail is a snake, more precisely a cobra. Third monster: the third shadow is that of a goblin mage with a red luminous magic ball in the right hand.

Demi-god Variation I by Donald HOUNNANKAN

First monster: Cyona the demi-goddess of agriculture and hunting. She wears Roman armor without the helmet and a large animal horn decorated with rune around the hip attaches to a belt. For the hair of dreadlocks and for the color of the skin a matte color as for a tan.At the level of the head of the horns of deer antlers.In the horn of the luminous arrows and by hand and taut a wooden bow of magic oak. Second monster: Oros son of a human and the god of destruction making him the demi god gifted in war. Over the years of battles and duels, he lost his left eye or found a cross in the shape of a cross but still in his shape and physical aspect in his twenties he was not muscular as one would think. A simple armor to make in skin like barbarians, like weapon a big heavy sword maintained in both hands and ready to fight. Third monster: After the union between a goddess in canine form (wolf) and an alpha wolf of the "forest of shadows" it results in a wolf which while growing ends up reaching the size of a bear standing in normal times, but who could change size at will the maximum being three times its normal size.For its fur a reddish color, pupils blue cornea a jaw with a ferocious dentition.The end of these legs of black color with short black claws. Runes at the shoulders.

Slime Variations V by Charles W.

Creatures you would like to see within the pack: The Three Fates as Slime girls 

Clotho: A translucent Caramel color slime woman glides across the ground as her bottom half looks like a dress. Slimmer than the rest of her sisters with long flowing bouncy bits of darker slime that makes up her hair. In one hand she carries a wooden staff with a bundle of stringy slime at the top with a single strand leading to the spindle in her other hand. In her other hand is a smaller wooden stick where the stringy slime is spun into. Her role is to spin the slime of life which gave her true vision into the lives of everyone around her.

 Lachesis: Paler compared to her sisters her slime is a paler white with dark pools where her eyes are set. She has a translucent red slime that billows down her shoulders representing her hair. In one hand she carries a copper bar that she enhances using her own slime to make it longer or shorter. Using This method, she measures the slime thread of her sister Clotho to see how long a person’s life will be and determine their destiny. 

Atropos: Her body unlike the others is made of a dark purple color with bright pink eyes but all of her slime is dripping more than the other two. What seems to be a hood is really more dark purple slime held over her head. In her hands she carries a shear made of hardened black and grey slime with a mixture of green to allow it to open and close cutting threads of slime. She determines the manner of death then uses her shear to cut the thread her sister Clotho made.

Shadow Invocations II by Prince HOUNNANKAN

Always in the principle of the creation of the class "Shadow Monarch" whose main ability is the invocation.The new shadow monsters are (in this part of the representation of the shadows will be done with two colors: black and red for some part place): 

First monster: shadow obtained from a high elf dead in combat and whose specialty was the double dagger fight.The shadow has the shape of an elf with two daggers in hands and attack positions; on his neck a white scarf spotted with blood and worn. 

Second monster: the second shadow is that of a wyvern (for the form leaves the choice to our favorite draftsman).

 Third monster: The third shadow is that of a weapon a piece of red fabric around the guard of the weapon. During a time when war was the fastest way to find supplies the scientist and alchemist in their quest for a powerful weapon to create a two-pointed spear with an artificial mind and telepathic ability that had the ability to protect his master in case he lost a fight during a fight. But over the years this weapon acquired such a quantity of experience and knowledge that it could be attributed a quality of being alive.

Crimson Knights II by Justin 

Angel like beings in crimson armour. Guardian (shieldbearer) Ranger (bow crossbow or gun) and brawler/monk (hand to hand combat stance uses fists and legs to fight)

Crimson Knights III by Justin

angelic beings in crimson armour ( whip user, axe user , dagger user)

Insect human hybrids (Humans corrupted by insect energy) by GiantHurtBall

Humans with insect-like features, for example, butterfly wings, exoskeleton like skin, stingers, antenna and partial insect faces. (maybe something like Insect princess from Yugioh card game)

Tree People II by GiantHurtBall

Tree people archer, Tree people Dryads (tree mimic), Tree people mage (with pinky/purple leaves coming out the top like Jubokko's release). 

4-Direction map Sprites for Eldritch Slimes by Skye Heywood

4 way over world sheet for all the slimes! Or just a decent portion of them... The Eldritch ones would be cool!

Aekashics note: As no redesign or drawing would need to be done for this suggestion, we would handle this release by releasing 6 front view slime map sprites for the base release, and then when reward time comes around, the rest of their directions, effectively growing the eldritch slime map sprite availability to six for the first batch!

Dogs of legend by Donald HOUNNANKAN

This pack contains dogs that represent legends from different cultures around the world and therefore they possess the mystical characteristics of these legends. 

First dog: Name: Raiju Description: It is a dog of the race shiba Inus (a race japanese) of beige and white color for the ventral coat. It has a blue halo of lightning in the back of the head and these legs are made of lightning. He is often associated with the onset of lightning and is a great turn player to the human by lassing those lightnings here and there. He has the ability to transform all that he touches into the human world into boiling lava or ashes due to his flashes and temperatures. 

Second dog: Name: Deva-Shuni Description: The dog of resemblance is a female brown etna cirneco with tattoos in Hindu scriptures and drawings of red, blue colors, and gold-colored eyes (unicoloured) .At his neck a necklace of red orchids. And in the back of the head a full halo comparable to the sun. Guardian sun and protector of all wild animals, she has great agility and speed superior to any canine race. 

Third dog: Name: Xolotl Description: The dog of resemblance is the naked dog of Peru of black color with tribal red, aztec red tattoo, white and blue on the body. One of these tattoos forms a ring of the three colors around his neck. He wears on his head an aztec chief hat made of feather and wooden object of different color. And like all the others at the back of this head a halo of obsidian black color and a brightness comparable to the moon. What makes this dog a guide for the souls of the deceased towards the underworld he also ensures the fall of the night on the underworld associated with the culture aztec.

Fallen Kings III by Anonfox93

Fallen King of Spirits, Gian ben Jin: The former king of genies who ruled over the spiritual plane before the current pantheon of gods overthrew and sealed him within a hidden artifact.

Fallen Queen of Beasts, Aglaeca: The last member of an ancient race that ruled the lands of a primordial Gaia treating all other races as subjects or prey. 

Fallen King/Queen(Whichever works better) of Heroes, Evenor: The first hero to ever to be recorded in legend, and of who many monarchs around the world claim descent from. Though Evenor was initially rewarded by the gods with eternal youth and other gifts, he/her would later punished and sealed in the center of Gaia for daring to share the gifts with fellow mortals.

Asian Ghosts by Daryl Crawford

Taka onna, Mae Nak, Kage onna. Taka onna is a female ghost that can stretch her body making herself taller. Kage Onna is a female ghost shadow, always appearing as a such, Mae Nak is a female ghost that can stretch her arms.

Dragon Riders by GiantHurtBall

Who wouldn't want to ride a dragon these individuals have learned to mount the dragons in Phelmore and have mastered the art of flying. Creatures you would like to see within the pack: Human with feral clothing similar to the mother in how to train a dragon. Goblin with googles +dragon wings. Clockwork outcast with dragon cloak

Legendary Knights Disciples III by Gregaur-X

Legendary Knight Disciples III The third package ! Legendary knights have now a great army of soldiers who would fight for them. They’re taken from their empire and trained not to question any orders and to kill every Legendary knights' enemies (or maybe they are trained to kill the traitors you decide to play in your game). But among this army, some soldiers are really skilled or faithful. Those soldiers were personally trained by the legendary knights and use the same art of war as their masters. The disciples have a style that is halfway from the LK soldiers and the LK who trained them. They are men and women, but still use a helmet. I leave the rest in the hand of our artist! Let’s continue with 3 new LK from the librarium: -Sen: An assassin, with a Gun (a small one), that seems very agile -Ansellus: A arachnoid warrior with only 4 extra arms. Only Ansellus has the mind strong enough to control 6 arms -Pizzaro: A very strong mage who can only control one element (not like Pizzaro who control light and darkness) (Already done : Zidh, Regulus, Arriette, Jeanne, Croix, Ansellus) 


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