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Today we see the see the release for Slime Dragon Quo'lot as suggested by Charles W. !

 Quo’lot was once a magnificent dragon kind to those around her but after centuries finally fell to age. A short time after her death a purple slime found her lair while fleeing from a predator taking shelter inside her corpse. While hiding in the corpse the innate magical energy seeped into the slime giving it sentience but also bound it to the corpse. Over time this resulted in the slime growing and replacing the scales and flesh that slowly decayed away. This left a massive slime the size of a full ancient dragon with the dragon bones visible inside the slime. In some places like the claws and skull the bones sit on top of the slime but harden with a thick layer of chitinous armor. Those who dared attack the slime dragon soon found it was not just a large slime but a fully powerful dragon with slime. Using the slime, she can stretch her claws and even her jaw out to thrash at foes even as they flee. The biggest mistake they make is believing she lost her breath attack when in fact she spews sticky slime in a cone in front of her. This breath slime traps and sticks foes preventing them from running or being able to pull weapons. Never again will she be prey! 

Quolot rolls out with the following animations!


Hopefully Quolot will be a useful option to your projects!

Download it today!



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