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Howdy and good night!!

We wrap up the day with the release for Medusa, as suggested by John Berchard!

 A recreation of the creature known as Medusa. She captivates her prey using her stunning beauty, even though her hair is a multitude of snakes. The snakes hold various weapons that she has claimed from warriors foolhardy enough to venture into her domain. She holds a wand or staff to channel her magics. 

Medusa rolls out with a total of 4 attack animations, which should allow for all sort of skills one could have in mind to implement combat with her!

You can preview her animation reel in the link below!


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I really like the color palette and the concept but there is something which is bugging me: shouldn't the staff be positioned behind the body and not in front? If you imagine performing the same animations in real life, I think it would feel really awkward, if possible at all 😁


Where is the Static Folder?