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Just like the poll for pool A, but for pool B!

Lets pick what we want to see animated!


Umaro inspired Yeti  by Alexander McManaway

 An elusive and mysterious Yeti, the strongest of his kind. Extremely buff and proud of his power. Name: Umaro Description behind the creature: An extremely buff and powerful looking Yeti, or Abominable Snowman. Inspired by the Final Fantasy VI character of the same name, Umaro is a brutal creature defined by his incredible physical power, questionable choices and reckless headlong attacks into enemy lines. He's fond of primitive tools and weapons such as bone clubs and stone axes, but he's also clever enough to make use of the occasional magic artifact. Unlike other Yetis in the Librarium, Umaro is almost comically buff and takes great pride in his strength, and can often be found posing in the furthest northern reaches of the world, as if daring adventurers to take him on .

Faceless Outlaw by Tiep

A faceless alien. Right arm looks like an octopus. Left arm has a lot of hole and very small (maybe a handcuff there). He wears prisoner's clothes.

Faceless Outlaw is an assassin, a freelancer in the universe . He attacks and kills his target with his right arm (octopus arm). He is quick and brutal in his combat skills. He is faceless so that there is no mouth, eyes or anything in his face. However there is a symbol "X" in the top center, which is glowing.

Human Master by GiantHurtBall

The Master is a human that surpasses reason he is a wise and robust fighter however it is unclear how he came to possess such strength his long white bread and moustache flow with Charisma, and his keen intellect is displayed when conversing with him. Master is undefeated when it comes to boards game such as chess. Wears a monk uniform and prefers not to fight much like the teaching of the Buddhist.he is according to the scrolls about 80 years old and has mastered ninjutsu here carriers scrolls on his persons. Animations Shows a scroll with different symbols when attacked shreds like paper (paper substitution) A simple karate chop

Kyle, the Iron Bat by SiGXGiS

Kyle is a typical bully at a typical highschool. If he is at school he don’t care about the teachers and bullies anyone who is weaker or don’t any respect towards him. After school or if he skips school, he’s looking for trouble with his gang through fighting with rivalling gangs. But under his cold-hearted appearance he has an heart of gold, especially for kittens and little kids. Appearance: Kyle has a normal highschool uniform without sleeves and on his left hip he has a baseball bat with which he fights in his kendo inspired battlestyle. He has short brown gelled hair with a red wisp and a golden earring on each side.

Dazcuz master of War by Sonny

One of the few strongest human being that can withstan other worldy beings. Dazcus apperance is like a samurai shogun with runes over his armors. His mask apperance will be more Dragon like. He uses a giant katana./ Animation: handmotions while holding his weapon, helmet motion(like the dragons mane animation) & aura motion. Hopes this gets pick 

Earth Horse by Donald HOUNNANKAN

Horse monster with the ability of earth and the possibility to enhance his defense and strength Name: Triple Horn Horse Description behind the creature: A monster in the shape of a horse in the wild in a white, black mane color with clumps of flat and dry lands on the back (several), each of the eyes (2-3 small) and three horns like an unicorn in aligned earth (growing size) going from between the eyes towards the nostrils. Attack: This creature performs powerful first horn charges on the enemy without thoughtful, and also the ability to use hitting strikes three times in a row. Defense: By making his skin hard like stone and also by showing a stone wall.

Tsukumogami King by Naterkix

A giant amalgam of old computers, TVs, game consoles, desk fans and other random electronics.

Description behind the creature: In the ruins of what was once Shibuya, Tokyo, a mass of old electronics were bound together and somehow gained sentience/a soul after being 99-or-so years old. Hurls old electronics and uses electricity to manipulate the various bits under it's control to repel anything that might try to infringe on it's (mostly empty) territory. It uses a giant, slightly cracked flat screen TV to project what it thinks it remembers as being a face but the rest is a writhing mess of electronics that it can morph to make various ways of moving (like tank treads or legs), attacking (like a TV-flinger or spinning fan blades and metal/glass shards.) or whatever else it decides it wants to do at anmy given moment. It's even possible it may never truly die unless some way was found to obliterate all of what's left of Shibuya so nothing's left but sand, an unlikely prospect in a world where the Tsukumogami King has been able to even exist. You'll probably be fine unless you have some strange reason to visit the ruins of a long-forgotten city.

Cockatrice Fetero by Gregaur-X

The Ultimate Chicken lizard.

We all know him. He is a terrible monster. Half chicken, half lizard it’s base on the RTP’s cockatrice. He’s fearless, an enormous chicken you don’t want to cross during your adventure. Maybe your hero hit accidently a chicken and an hord of Fatero will come to avenge it. Fatero can be your first boss or the final one in a terrible plot twist you don’t want to assume. Sure thing, it would be a really funny addition to the librarium.

Nio Harmonia by Clint Russell

Based on the Nio Demons of Japanese lore. Nio demons are a pair of deities that guard houses and placed near entrances. They are often made of wood with metal inlay. The Nio ward off evil spirits. One of them is depicted with an open mouth, bearing his teeth, and wielding a staff that commands lightning. The other always close mouthed and uses a sword. The animations could include: a swing and holding up of the staff to  perform a lightning attack, a prayer to command a sun/flare attack, the open mouthed demon performing a shout that begins a wind-gust, sumo style physical attacks. These statues are also supposed to be carved such that they appear as if in a wind storm with hair and clothes blow around them. 

El Shroomo by Gregaur-X

El Shroomo “I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.” Very class but also very small with this godfather moustache. He is the most dangerous Shroom in the gang. It’s a mix between and update of the existing Boss shroom and a new one. Maybe he can have a collection of weapons (Knife, gun, Shroomzooka ! ).

Updated Dragonbones version of Diana by Jeff Mcintyre

Lamia Diana, An update to the older Diana animated battler to make her compatible with Dragonbones. This battler is one of my favorites, and she could use an update to be more in line with the current Librarium content. Please include all four color variations if possible.

Supersoldier by SamSmith

Description: Mutant, futuristic soldiers with animalistic features and bestial demeanor. They were created long ago and helped bring ruin to the world-dominating megacorporation which created them from the best soldiers. The first models may still be around--they once were criminals...

Piece Knight by Clint Russell

Description 1): The creature is composed entirely of random body parts used in different ways to show the usual human shape- arms placed side by side up the torso so they look similar to ribs and their fingers interlock at the sternum or spine. It has heads/faces forming the rounded shoulders, an oversized right arm laying down on the ground and 2 left arms reaching up in front of it with wanting, it's head is multiple faces bubbling up from its shoulders with mouths agape and hollow eyes. Description 2): a mound of flesh with all manner of limbs sticking out of it making it feel like it was formed with no thought or reason put into it. Think of maybe a spider comprised entire of human parts. Eight human legs. Eight small human faces with eyes set in their open mouths sitting on a body made of a segmented torso. Or just a big ball of veiny and pulsing flesh. The animation options here have a lot of potential with multi-handed grab attacks, fleshy cartwheels, trample attacks, or a repel attack that leaves the screen and pounces on the party.

God Muthia Wukai by GiantHurtBall

Muthia Wukai was punished for rebelling against Belial and was split in two as Wukia was very strong and needed to be weakened. Muthia is the weaker female half of Wukia that Belial force to stay in the human capital to help him maintain balance, Muthia defeated many in Belials name. Muthia was heavily injured during the fight against the God of Lust barely managing to defeat her. The God of Lust's final act was to cursed Muthia with her power transforming her top half into a human with Lust's hunger. Since then she has been locked in the block of judgement for fears that she can no longer control herself as she wishes to destroy every creatures ambition and leave them in her cages for amusement. Her appearance is that of a pink dragon with feather wings and a human top half and wears golden armour from Belial Gifted in Healing Arts and reducing the burden someone feels. Since being cursed she can manipulate healing so that is damages instead of healing and erase people's ambition turning even a strong hero into a mindless slave. https://gyazo.com/2234468843e0b533ed4e0b97f88a808a

Animated Update to A Static Monster by Sarah.R

Potential pool: Cyber Pegasus, Nucklve, Ice Lion, Colossal Red T-Rex

Animated Update to Zodiac Sagittarius by Anonfox93

Part Man Part Horse All ManHorse.

Branchiosaur by Alexander McManaway

A giant sauropod (long-necked) dinosaur type enemy. Map sprite/battler should be *huge* to give an impression of it's overwhelming size/strength. Suitable for use as a boss/mini-boss/really hardcore encounter. Extra spikes, armor, etc., could also be added, at your discretion.

In Final Fantasy VI, there was a relatively rare late-game encounter called the Brachiosaur. It was a standard random encounter that would appear in a certain part of the game world without any special requirements or fanfare. It would then absolutely wreck your party unless you were fully prepared to face it, and that's kinda the feel I'm going for with this guy. Attacks can include a stomp, a tail-sweep, and possibly one or two casting animations (such as rearing up on it's hind legs, or raising it's neck/head as if to charge an attack) for late game spells/hardcore attacks. Nothing to fancy, as the Brachiosaur relies on sheer raw power, not fancy gimmicks to win.

Elirabeth II the Queen Rat by Gregaur-X

Of course, if you choose the “rat warrior” you want their queen to rise. Queen Elirabeth is the mother of all rat, queen of the sewer. She’s deform by all the offspring she give birth and the trash she have eaten for years. Her crown and her dress are made with common stuff you can find in both SF and Fantasy games.

Ice Demon Aura by GiantHurtBall

Aura has a cold heart with a dislike for humans. She was blamed for her love one passing away, hunted by the humans she once called a friend. She now lives in exile somewhere Phelmore awaiting death but that may all change should she join your party. A snow woman based loosely on the Japanese yokai. She wears white ceremonial clothes with blue patterns and moons on it, and various jewellery on her clothes and person. Clothing ref: https://www.lazada.com.my/products/taobao-long-sleeve-big-hemline-blue-and-white-porcelain-long-ceremonial-clothes-ugrengy-miss-manners-clothing-hotel-costume-cheongsam-i362168134-s514532401.html Looking wise, she has long white hair, elf-like ears, standing at six foot tall, her body is covered in white/silver scales, a fluffy whitetail. Inspiration was taken from Dark Souls character Priscilla. Animations Ice wall Ice claws Ice Icon (to appear above her for buffs other non-attacks)

Corrupted Teddy Bear Ura Get by GiantHurtBall

Stuff toyed that has been inhabited by a particular demon created by a failed experiment that Ogmios conducted to implant clones of himself into demons to control them. This demon has grown and corrupted the stuffed toy. He disguises himself as a regular teddy bear that consumes unguarded humans he, also fears Wukai and Yuu. Looking wise, he is a brown teddy bear, with black tentacles coming out of one arm and his back. Standing at five foot tall, his stuffing has turned into a moving sea of black with pink dots. Animations Tentacles swipe Dark claws Opens chest to reveal dark mass (chant)

Cultist High Priestess Geva by GiantHurtBall

Geva wears clothing matching the same style as the cultist mage she is barefoot she is, of course, a higher rank in the cult of chaos. She hears the orders of the World Eater and has a high tolerance to his corrupting nature. Rough Clothing reference and face. https://gyazo.com/bcb865965c883812fd002c6aec67b94a Half her body is in the colour of the corrupted, and that would include her left leg. (so black skin and purple eyes and features). She holds a staff that houses a corrupted plant with black tentacles. As the World Eater approaches, men and women are drawn to his service. He influences their actions, and those who are almost overtaken are critical ingredients for making a leviathan. The High Priestess can summon tiny parts of the world eater to the planes of Phelmore merely being near the summoned tentacles causes corruption to take place. The summoned tentacles should look like they are from World Destroyer Shaccad Yoggoth first June 2019 release and look like they're emerging up from the floor. The dark flames black/purple in colour to fit the corrupted colour scheme. The portal is a black disc that can open, revealing an eye looking like it belongs to World Destroyer Shaccad Yoggoth. Animations Tentacles swipe Dark Flames Open black portal with big demon eye (chant)

Suki the water spirit by GiantHurtBall 

Suki is a water spirit that fled from the Yuu's old kingdom before the God Osiris took over she now lives in the Steam village peacefully with the humans there. Providing water element magic for the villagers there. She wears casual light-coloured fantasy clothes and has the appearance of a female elf. Although she doesn't need to wear clothes, finds she fits in more, if she mimics human clothing. Clothing idea ref: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/393431717429635662/ if above not viewable https://gyazo.com/3e29a0ba00095714189211f6f9249a5c (imagine white maybe soft blues or yellow instead of black) Animations Summons a rain cloud over the battle. She becomes water like so he battler would go transparent blue, or she chants with water swirling around her. Water Ball as a projectile.


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