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I dont even know where to start, so I guess I will start off by saying Thank you!

Thank you for always being there, in more ways than one!

Just like previous years, 2019 further cemented the fact that our community is amazing and a real treasure.

I encountered many bumps along the road last year, but you guys were always there, ready to provide words of support and genuine care during tough times!

The kind of gratitude to express how much that meant to me just cannot be put into words!

Instead and as usual, I am a firm believer that I have to show that gratitude and repay that interest by working on new releases and bonus content to the best of my ability and energy!

I know I have not been the ideal content creator lately, but rest assured, my passion to create assets continues to burn, stronger and stronger! Sometimes I wish I could operate with 2 hours sleep haha!

If I have let you down lately, please give me the chance to make it right! 

If you are happy with the current quality and state of our releases, know that I will still do even better than that starting this very day!

And as I always say, at the end of the day, Thank *you* for being there, for being part of our community, for allowing me to grow as an artist, and for believing in my Librarium Project as a whole!

Let us start a 2020 full of a little bit of everything, life is like that! 

All the best wishes regarding your personal goals and projects!

Thanks for an amazing 2019...Happy 2020!

Polls for January 2020 update cycles will be going up later tonight, and reward sets for the December 2019 update cycles will be sent to your private message inbox during Jan 5th by night time!




Thank you for another year of super quality awesome and varies monster designs. It cannot be said enough times just how valuable it is to have this insane quantity, variety, and quality of monster designs available for projects in and outside RPG Maker. Thanks for your efforts so far and your dedication to continuing those efforts, remembering though to keep yourself healthy and your workload manageable. Another year of fun comfortable releases is far more valuable than so many extra in one month it becomes a pressured struggle for you. Happy new years! Looking forward to another year of seeing more of your designs :)!


Thank you for all of your hard work and effort that you always put into your creations! I'm not sure why you believe you haven't been an ideal content creator- you are always forthright with delays and there is NEVER an impact on the quality of the finished resources! Best wishes to you and yours in the coming year. You're a true, kind person that I hope gets only the best back to them in 2020!! Cheers :)


Thanks for all the good wishes Sarah! Wishing all the best thsi 2020 for you and yours as well!


Thanks for the good wishes as well Swift! May you have a wonderful 2020 as well! :D