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As planned, here is the preview for Goblins Creatures III as suggested by GiantHurtBall!

 Commander (in gold armour spikey taller than most goblins be shorter than the goblin champion you previously did). High Goblin mage as tall as the commander with black face paint and staff with a bird (parrot) figure on its top. Hopper (Goblin Pet ) inspired by https://gyazo.com/8f0b729b4aecdb2610d3a3ad95793d65 a model made by gamesworkshop called a squig. Original source: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Gloomspite-Gitz-Squig-Herd-2019 

Very interesting suggestions to implement this time around!

All of our December 2019 creatures will be released tomorrow!

See you with the compilation post soon! :D
