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 Good morning! We start off sunday with another round of previews, this time around for D&D inspired Monsters, as suggested by Anonfox93!

Really liked your interpretation of the final fantasy inspired monsters, so would like to suggest the same for DnD monsters Nalfeshnee: a corpulent mockery of ape and boar standing twice the height of a human, with feathered wings that seem too small for its bloated body. Tarrasque: a gigantic lizard-like creature which exists only to eat, kill, and destroy. Protecting its back and tail is a thick, glossy caramel-colored shell or carapace. It has spikes coming from its chin, the sides of the mouth, the underside of its neck, the elbows of its front arms, and its shell Aboleth: A fish-like amphibian found primarily in subterranean lakes and rivers. It uses its tail for propulsion in the water and drags itself along with its tentacles on land

As with other popular franchise inspired monsters, I take no visual inspiration from actual official creature designs, and instead work strictly with the text prompt idea! This is our end result!   These were all super challenging, but I hope you liked the end result!Did you like it? Let me know!Please stay tuned for more previews for December releases! 


These were all super challenging, but I hope you liked the end result!

Did you like it? Let me know!

Please stay tuned for more previews for December releases!




Wow, are these going to be animated or just static battlers?


These are part of the Librarium statics roster, but you can suggest your favoprite one to be animated and go into our animated polls!


I know what I'm voting for on the animated polls! (Tarrasque)