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This is the individual release post for Legendary Knight Dalton as suggested by SenG. and originally released back in November 30th as part of a larger November Librarium Animated compilation set!

 The legendary knights always move together in such an organized manner, seeing every attack coming and countering it. It can be frightening to go up against Ansellus’s disturbed mind, Jeanne’s magic, Sen’s tech, or Regulus’s strength, but our heroes know better. They know that one legendary knight is the most frightening of all. There he is now, flying high in the sky behind the battlefield. His head is bowed and you feel uneasy just seeing him. Dalton. A creature that can see all that will be and all that ever was. His powers only grew stronger after becoming a legendary knight and he uses it to his advantage. With Dalton present, the knights will lose no battle. His wisdom and the scope of his visions simply cannot be countered from afar, but what about up close? What challenge will the seer pose in a physical match? Will his blades be strong or fast? Will he summon the other nights? Only one thing is certain. If he knows everything that will happen, then there’s a reason he allowed you to come fight him. It’s up to you to finally disprove his expert visions. Are you up to the challenge? 

A revisit to a Librarium Classic! Legendary Knights have been getting a lot of additional content lately, and it definitely feels like making animated enemy battler side versions is the next step! Dalton rolls out with the standard 3 attack motions ! Preview his set in the link below!


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