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Hello everyone!

Keeping up with what was announced yesterday , today we take a look at the second character to be included as this first prototype wave of actor battlers! 

The Sun Priestess!

As you can probably guess by now, these prototype releases will feature some of my personal favorite battlers in Librarium!

The plan for these actor battlers remains the same! We will have 4 of them in our Librarium Sample project, which will be later released with associated assets such as Bust portrait and 4-direction map sprites as Itch.io spin off packs! All future releases will be handled that way as well! (Which by the way means that these spin off packs will be available during the month where they are released to Dragon Tier Patrons as part of the benefits of the pledge tier!)

Can you guess which of the following characters will be in the next unveil?

  • Grand Sorceress Duessa
  • Sun Goddess
  • Ancient Priestess
  • Mythical Knight Goldnharl
  • Seven Sins Envy

Stay tuned!


Librarium Sample Project Actor Battler Preview!

Battler Actors to be featured and included as assets in the Librarium Patreon Sample project starting this month! https://www.patreon.com/posts/29942565 Music in battle by WinglessSeraph/YouFulca



Wow that Sun Priestess Pixel battler looks amazing! And that shield throw :D. Awesome stuff!


very nice!!!


This is awesome! Would you ever do animated battlers for your KemonoSD packs?


hello im new here i been trying to find where to download the sprites


I just became a Patreon supporter but I am still a little confused. How do I gain access to things like the Tilesets, Facesets, Icons, Busts, 4-direction, and the Sample Project? I was reading that I will be sent something in my messages on the 5th; are all those only in the messages or are they available on another part of the site that I haven't located yet.


Hello Galactic! I just sent you a message, bu tto answert your question here as well, yup! All reward content is sent on the 5th of the next month after all pledges have been processed! Meanwhile through th emonth the main perk is access to the latest and previous Librarium statics and animated base releases and previews of all upcoming and current work!


Hello Tony! You can download all previosu base releases through the compilation post found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/librarium-29854210 And you can also download all the exclusive releases to be made this month! Reward sets for the content generated this month are usually sent out on the 5th of the next month!


i saw the 4-Direction map sprites would they come with the character weapon animation sprites aswell