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Some sad news today to start off the day, as it has come to my attention that the polls have been attempted to be manipulated in a way so that certain battlers end up winning this month, with someone creating multiple accounts and using them to heavily influence our results. 

Please, theres no need to do something like that! Suggestions answer to the wishes and needs of the community as a whole and somtimes it is really interesting how suggestions which get few votes suddenly become a popular pick with our community in a particular month! An action like the one in question goes againt how polls are intended to work and also disrespects our community members in a number of ways!

Now, while I will not be taking those votes into consideration for the final tally, the best thing our community can do is to vote if you haven't gotten around to doing so yet!

Right now the true results of our poll require a tie breaker in most of the pools, but I believe I cannot have the polls reflect that visually, given the situation, but just vote for what you want to see, thats all that matters!

Thnaks for your time reading this, as well as your constant support! I will be coming back with some more exciting and happier news later today!





Vote today!



How lame a thing to have happen! If you want certain battlers, commissions exist. :/


Smart but Aekashics is smarter !


What cheats! The rest of pay us good money for this chance, just goes to show that cheating doesn't pay!


Nice try noobs, lol.