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And should be waiting for you over at your private message inbox!

Hello everyone!

First of all let me say a huge thank you for your heartwarming support and good wishes during a difficult time and apologies for the radio silence since the announcement!

I focused on recovering from illness and once I started feeling a bit better I went into bunker mode  to complete this reward content!

I did my best to go pack it with quality and features which I hope you will enjoy and find useful!

These reward sets feature the previously announced new version of the librarium sample project which I hope will serve as a more interesting test bed for Librarium releases, which will also give me new ideas for content to expand Librarium with! 

Thanks for your support in every way during August!

I have already announced the plans I have for September, both involving the pending Legendary Knights Megapack and bonus content for our Seven Deadly Sins Archetype, so its time to get to work!

Polls will be going live tomorrow, running until wednesday! While they run I will be working on the bonus content for the month and doing some routine navigational improvements to Librarium as a whole!

I think its time we have a dedicated itch.io download link with all the latest Librarium releases, post January 2019 when they became exclusive to our platform! this itch.io file will be constantly updated as each base release comes to life!

I am excited to get started, so lets get to it!

Thanks for your support once again! We had a few bumps on the road during August, but I have not taken my foot off the accelerator! Lets continue this journey together!



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