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This post is dedicated toward God Ogmios as suggested by GiantHurtBall!

God Ogmios by GiantHurtBall
A slightly different take on Ogmios as binding the living to him until they are but skeletons he uses the skeletons left over to make a body for himself taking different bones to improve his combat abilities (dino feet and claws) or utilities extra arms/ different legs. With all these bones he stands about three times the size of a normal human. With my version of Ogmios he has a core like stone with an appearance of coloured gems on a black material that appear like eyes with flowing energy within them. He forms ooze a tar like substance to bind living dead to protect himself and to see those bound to the afterlife being reabsorbed by Jubokko keeping the bones as a means to host his vulnerable core. Rumour has it that the blue eye like gem is, in fact, the eye of another God that Ogmios uses. "As a binding god, he has the ability to bind people onto himself and control their actions. He can also create defixiones, which are tablets that have curses which he can bind on to other people." + "Ogmios is also a psychopomp, binding the souls of the dead onto himself and leading them to the afterlife." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogmioshttps://gyazo.com/653e4875d8b864c86ae7ae1fa8af8187

This design was super challenging to conceptualize properly! I wanted to do justice to the suggestion as a whole, so I went over the prompt multiple times to make sure to render the core elements of it! Hope you will like it and give it a home!

I feel like this design could work really well in a variety of settings and battles! God Ogmios rolls out with the standard triple attack motion set, on top of its idle and damage motions!

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  This set was originally released as part of a larger bulk set at the end of august!  




😱😱 This is so cool. Great work


Brilliant. Just brilliant


wow u outdone yourself with this one!!!!!!!!!!!




Well done! Not far off the ref, I'm happy with your design ;)