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Its time to get voting, so lets take a look at the roster for Pool B this time around!

Pool A will usually  feature the newest suggestions, along the top voted suggestions from previous polls and Pool B will feature the older suggestions! Both pools  will sometimes have a rotational system going on, to comply with the option limits the patreon poll system has in place, so if you dont see a particular option in either pool, it will most likely rotate with one in the current iteration and come back next month! I figured this way we still wont need to delete suggestions, and keep the pools dynamic!

Other than that the system stays the same, with 2 winners per pool for Librarium animated and Static creatures, and 1 winner for the tileset poll!

Lets get voting!


Asian Ghosts by Daryl Crawford

Taka onna, Mae Nak, Kage onna. Taka onna is a female ghost that can stretch her body making herself taller. Kage Onna is a female ghost shadow, always appearing as a such, Mae Nak is a female ghost that can stretch her arms.

The Ice Yai by Donald HOUNNANKAN

This blue-skinned giant has three eyes, fangs and claws. His hair seems to be made of delicate son of ice. Ice Yai is a sinister creature that combines the cold giant's brutality with the grace and elegance of an accomplished martial artist. Although his magic powers are formidable, he prefers to fight in hand-to-hand combat with his hit attacks, training his underlings in merciless battles. He uses his mobility to cast attack spells and ice spikes with his third eye. The Ice Yai is a leader-born for the cold giants, moderating their savagery through his wisdom. A tribe led by an ice yai can very well attack nearby humanoid villages, but it soon learns the value of regular tributes and voluntary sacrifices: ice yai teaches that threats of violence are often more effective than actual violence. Despite their strangely enlightened philosophy, the ice yai never misses an opportunity to strengthen their ability to slaughter and often require their subjects to take part in battle demonstrations that entertain their tribe but also nourish their insatiable ego and sense of dominance over them. their subjects.

Imentesh by Donald HOUNNANKAN

The lower body of this serpentine creature looks like a large snake, but has a human torso and a bird's head and talons. As missionaries of Chaos and heralders of the future dissipation of reality, imenteshs are the protens that one meets most often outside Limbo. Despite their propensity to talk and their elegant behavior, the entropic goals of imenteshs are never far from their thoughts. This inherent insanity is easily perceptible in the feeble telepathic murmur that constantly surrounds them and threatens at any moment to tip the weaker minds into dementia. An imentesh is 4.50 meters long and weighs 600 kg. 

Crimson Knights by Justin

Angelic looking beings with crimson / red armour designed around typical RPG class types eg, knight, mage , priest , fighter, monk etc

Frost Bitten skeleton by Donald HOUNNANKAN

Sword skeletons (either a sword or 2 swords or an ice spear) with blocks of ice all over the bones and a simple armor (just a few parts of armor).

Legendary Knights Soldiers III by Gregaur-X

The legendary knights could be great heroes or dangerous bosses for your game. But before confronting a legendary knight, you need to pass through a bunch of enemies! I think the Librarium needs some soldiers with the legendary knight design. They are human (with human proportions). In this pack of monsters you can find 3 new classic soldiers. This time we are on the third row of the enemy line! - The Healer: Very classic, he has a staff he can use to heal is teammate. His armor is a mix between a classic armor and a robe. - The Battle mage : Is there anything to had ? He use Black magic to destroy his enemy. - The Cristal Controler: His kind of magic is kind of unique. Instead of classic spell, he use some cristal that fly around him. 

Wild Predator Animals by Jack Bushaw

Grizzly Bear, African Lion, Siberian Tiger

Pet Creatures by Jonathan Contreras

Pet creatures such as the ones in hunter classes

Feral Hunter Horde by Gregaur-X

Hord The #929 feral hunter was really cool! But alone, it’s kind of sad, or not badass enough. We need some more! Those 3 new ones will have the same color and common element with the #929 feral hunter. But will have some different ways to fight. - The sickly: a small and vicious hunter. He is the main minion in the horde. - The scout: This one has bigger back legs to jump on the enemies. - The poison shooter: The vicious monster uses some glands to shoot poison to his targets. That may be useful to slowdown the pack’s pray.

Eldritch Corruption II by Charles W.

More people are affected by the eldritch corruption of Shaccad’Yoggoth. We have the Swordsmen, Gunner, and Medic who have been altered by the influence showing mixes of humanity and Eldritch horror. The swordsmen have been affected in more ways than one. For one their eyes, nose, and ears have been removed leaving a flawless face with a single wide toothy grin. Sworn to protect their swords have been molded into their right arms created a sinister blade while in their left arm their flesh has melded with their shields. The shields have one singular large eye surrounded by hardened flesh. The gunner experiencing a similar fate wound up with a large cannon replacing one of their hands where large eldritch veins flow from the cannon up their arm. One eye has started converting into an eldritch eye while the skin on their back has peeled off into a flexible hardened cape. The medic trying to save those corrupted was in turn changed forever. Wearing a plague doctor mask, you can just barely see the glow of their new eyes. Most disturbing is the fact their arms have molded with their chest forming wings and claws at the end. Surprisingly they have returned their knowledge of alchemical concoctions enough to be able to grab the string of vials across their waist and chest and fling them at foes.

Extra Undead Creatures by Ashlee Vella-Croft

Undead Crawler - The top half of an undead walker. Undead Bloated Corpse - A toxic corpse that looks like it is about to exlode. Undead Abomination - A giant monster that was created from the body parts of different creatures.

Slime Variations II by Charles W.

Slimes that live in a volcanic or fiery region Fire slimes look like patches of fire sitting on the ground or on objects until they move. Once engaged in combat they relentlessly attack their prey. They generally feed on the ashes of the things they burn. 

Obsidian Slimes look like polished obsidian rocks that leave behind a tar trail as they move. Since their make up is obsidian they are extremely hardy but also slow moving. If engaged however they will use blunt force to knock opponents unconscious then drown them in tar.

Lava Slimes are just that they look like globs of lava. These slimes have a very low boiling point making their number one attack to run at aggressors while inflating their bodies. Once at max inflation the slime explodes. During inflation they tend to look very angry. Their primary food source is molten rock and small wildlife

Dragon Riders by GiantHurtBall

Who wouldn't want to ride a dragon these individuals have learned to mount the dragons in Phelmore and have mastered the art of flying. Creatures you would like to see within the pack: Human with feral clothing similar to the mother in how to train a dragon. Goblin with googles +dragon wings. Clockwork outcast with dragon cloak

Goblins by GiantHurtball

Goblin with bombs (Muhahahahaha), goblin on giant Spider and goblin Flagbearer

Legendary Knights Disciples III by Gregaur-X

Legendary Knight Disciples III The third package ! Legendary knights have now a great army of soldiers who would fight for them. They’re taken from their empire and trained not to question any orders and to kill every Legendary knights' enemies (or maybe they are trained to kill the traitors you decide to play in your game). But among this army, some soldiers are really skilled or faithful. Those soldiers were personally trained by the legendary knights and use the same art of war as their masters. The disciples have a style that is halfway from the LK soldiers and the LK who trained them. They are men and women, but still use a helmet. I leave the rest in the hand of our artist! Let’s continue with 3 new LK from the librarium: -Sen: An assassin, with a Gun (a small one), that seems very agile -Ansellus: A arachnoid warrior with only 4 extra arms. Only Ansellus has the mind strong enough to control 6 arms -Pizzaro: A very strong mage who can only control one element (not like Pizzaro who control light and darkness) (Already done : Zidh, Regulus, Arriette, Jeanne, Croix, Ansellus)

Legendary Knights Second Forms by Anonfox93

Pizzaro: Same armor as before but without a helmet on, displaying the face of a middle-aged man with white hair, the light glow on his hands are now raging flames, the balls at his side have now been unfurled an attached to his back looking like what appears to be wings but are actually stabilizers for his immense power.

Serat: A Hindu inspired warrior goddess with 4-6 arms carrying various items in each hand(sword, scales of justice, vajra,etc.). 

Regulus: Let the artist decide. 

Serat Second Form, The Forgotten Goddess: An ancient goddess of justice, her fellow deities feared her power and her calls for justice, equality and liberty amongst all life forms. Sick of her intervening in their plans but fearful of her power, the other gods schemed together a plan to get rid of her. A spell that would transform her into a mortal, wipe out all her memories and leave only a fragment of her power within her. 

Pizzaro Second Form, The Gatekeeper: Pizzaro’s form when he is using all of his magic power at once. In this form even the most impossible spells are performed with but a thought and a flick of the wrist. One of the primary reasons the legendary knights displayed no fear on the battlefield.

Regulus Second Form, Kyrios Regulus: Regulus’s form when he is using all of his power. It is through this form that he was able to perform inhuman feats and accomplish tasks that would normally be impossible to the average person.

Spiders by GiantHurtBall

Creatures you would like to see within the pack: Dream Spider (a spider of the imagination ), Stone Spider and Steam spider

Corrupted by Gianthurtball

Corrupted Spider, corrupted zombie lord and corrupted clockwork soldier



Undead! Extra undead!