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Its time to get voting, so lets take a look at the roster for Pool A this time around!

Pool A will usually  feature the newest suggestions, along the top voted suggestions from previous polls and Pool B will feature the older suggestions! Both pools  will sometimes have a rotational system going on, to comply with the option limits the patreon poll system has in place, so if you dont see a particular option in either pool, it will most likely rotate with one in the current iteration and come back next month! I figured this way we still wont need to delete suggestions, and keep the pools dynamic!

Other than that the system stays the same, with 2 winners per pool for Librarium animated and Static creatures, and 1 winner for the tileset poll!

Lets get voting!


Cyberwolf by Gary Clarke

a hugh wolf with one glowing eye and the other with high tec gadgets, long razor sharp crawl and all kind of tubes coming out from his body sorry if i sound simlar to the exmaple u give above but i did draw this about 15 years age :) 

Faceless Outlaw by Tiep

A faceless alien. Right arm looks like an octopus. Left arm has a lot of hole and very small (maybe a handcuff there). He wears prisoner's clothes.

Faceless Outlaw is an assassin, a freelancer in the universe . He attacks and kills his target with his right arm (octopus arm). He is quick and brutal in his combat skills. He is faceless so that there is no mouth, eyes or anything in his face. However there is a symbol "X" in the top center, which is glowing.

Father Time by SigXGiS

Guardian of Time and Space.

He is the manifestation of time himself and it’s guardian. His appearance is that of an old bearded man but he can change his look and age because he lives outside of the flow of time. With his hourglass in the right hand time he can manipulate the flow of time and with his pendulum in the left hand he can find abnormalities in time and space. To fulfill this duty as guardian, he created little clock-like helpers. They should help finding abnormalities in time and space, so Father Time could correct then. But one of these maschines didn’t just find one of these abnormalities, he fell into it and saw a future in which he is the guardian of time and space. After this event, this little maschine began an revolution with his mechanical brothers against Father Time under his new name: The Clockwork King. But Father Time stopped the revolution and banned the Clockwork Creatures outside of time and space, so they can’t harm anyone.

Imperial Dragon sovereign by Donald HOUNNANKAN

This magnificent dragon is covered with beautiful scales of gold and its horns make him a crown. Guardians of equilibrium, the sovereign dragons, as they are known, were placed in heaven by the gods themselves to ensure universal harmony.

SPECIAL POWERS Golden Armor: Once a day, by a simple action, an old sovereign dragon, or an older dragon, can be covered with a golden armor giving him a bonus of armor and a resistance of 15 against a type of energy chosen at the time of the invocation of the armor. This armor lasts a number of rounds equal to the dragon's age category. The sovereign dragon can dispel his armor by free action. Shape change: A young sovereign dragon, or an older dragon, can take any humanoid form three times a day, as if using a metamorphosis. Violent riposte: When a young sovereign dragon, or an older dragon, receives the damage of a critical hit from a melee attack, he may, by immediate action, strike a claw or tail at the creature has dealt him the critical hit.

Dragon Emperor Knight by Ariel Ramos

Dragon emperor knight has granted a noble warrior that has bested him a dragon armor embued with his powers. Appearance: this knight has dark medium length hair and a lean muscular build. His armor resembles the scales and look of the emperor dragon, gold and white dragon scale chest armor and shoulder guards with black trimmings, black scale leggings with gold and white trimmings, gold boots with white trimmings, a silver sword with a black handle and golden dragon eye at the base of the blade, either a white and gold aura surrounding him allowing him to levitate or white and gold wings granting him flight.

Mystical Alchemist Kalmulon by SiGxGiS

Once he was a nameless war-orphan until he was discovered and saved by an old alchemist. This alchemist gave him the name of his late son: Kalmulon. Kalmulon, who had a talent for alchemy, began to learn and help his master in the search for the legendary Philosopher’s Stone, but before the research was completed, the master was killed by an unknown person. Filled with inexperience, sadness and hatred, Kalmulon continued his research but always failed, until one day he discovered that he can manipulate the pure elements around him. With his craftmanship he created a gun which can weaponize this elements. After this discovery, he took his former mentors old bagpack, cloak and dagger, and travels around the world to find his masters murder. Appearance: Kalmulon is a slim guy with long silver-black hair. His clothes are a red shirt, a black vest, dark green pants and long black boots. After the alchemist death he wears his former masters old bagpack and shredded cloak. On his belt he has his selfmade alchemist-gun and the old dagger his master had used.

Chronomancer Sritra by Anonfox93

Dark skin female time mage wearing Sari and bracelets that look like that are made of magical glyphs.

Human Master by GiantHurtBall

The Master is a human that surpasses reason he is a wise and robust fighter however it is unclear how he came to possess such strength his long white bread and moustache flow with Charisma, and his keen intellect is displayed when conversing with him. Master is undefeated when it comes to boards game such as chess. Wears a monk uniform and prefers not to fight much like the teaching of the Buddhist.he is according to the scrolls about 80 years old and has mastered ninjutsu here carriers scrolls on his persons. Animations Shows a scroll with different symbols when attacked shreds like paper (paper substitution) A simple karate chop

The Dark Lord Tartaros by ElGarrador

Everyone watched Endgame of course and i love it!Thanos was a great villain and i think a battler inspired by him should be on rpg maker. He is very strong,durable opponent and can be a great final boss or main antagonist.I really want this hope it will be a poll winner! Appearance:An imposic battler.A charismatic style just like a lord.He is tall of course.A massive bulky body with dark purple or dark blue skin.A heavy black colored armor with a dragon emblem on the chest.A massive grey,black colored double-edged sword on his right hand(Like Tantalus or Blade Master) Animations:A 3d looking attacks just like The Ravager and Goblin Champion.A fiery slash animation with the massive sword.A powerfull punch attack,A jump Slash Attack,and a sword spin attack.His sword has a dark magic effect when attacking.And of course has a spell animation!

Bunny Girl Zola by GiantHurtBall

She wears a light blue kimono with patterns on it. Look wise she is like the bunny from the Zootopia with white fur but tall as a human. A support character meant for cheering her team and healing she is a kind character always looking out for her team mates. Animations She jumps up and down A little dance cheer Chant healing Simple kick

Great Polar Bear Warrior Ravus Polaris by Donald HOUNNANKAN

Giant biped white bear, with well-developed muscles.As well as armor, black and red steel gloves going up to the elbow, pants like steel armor, pewter leggings, claw feet outside.As a giant hammer weapon in sparkle of ice. Animations: Jump and hit down with the hammer Ice magic song Claw shots

Kyle, the Iron Bat by SiGXGiS

yle is a typical bully at a typical highschool. If he is at school he don’t care about the teachers and bullies anyone who is weaker or don’t any respect towards him. After school or if he skips school, he’s looking for trouble with his gang through fighting with rivalling gangs. But under his cold-hearted appearance he has an heart of gold, especially for kittens and little kids. Appearance: Kyle has a normal highschool uniform without sleeves and on his left hip he has a baseball bat with which he fights in his kendo inspired battlestyle. He has short brown gelled hair with a red wisp and a golden earring on each side.

Alpha Feral Hunter by Gregaur-X

Alpha if you vote for the pack, you want to see its leader! The Alpha Ferra Hunter! Of course it’s a bigger Ferral Hunter. He also has glands to project poison. One of his two blades is bigger, the second is broken. He may have some scar on his body due to the conflicts he had to gain his place. His tail also has a blade. He is older than the other hunter and may be a less white than the younger.

Sun Priestess by Harleshay

An animated expansion of your Sun Priestess figure (Librarium Bonus #906 posted May 9 2019), including animation of the staff and shield she bears. She is adept at light and barrier arts, and with one word can protect herself or others from harm. However her magic doesn't last forever. If a force is strong enough to break her barriers, then she is forced to use only her shield as protection. She is very strong-willed, and guards her post and what she treasures to the bitter end, even at the expense, or even destruction, of the world around her. Her word is her vow. Attacks: She can attack by using light magic through her staff. She can attack either one character or multiple characters at a time. Her attacks can consist of lowering attributes (like defense, attack, light resistance, etc), wiping away positive buffs from a character (or characters), or inflicting light-based damage. Defense: She can defend by either using her shield or conjuring a barrier around herself (or possibly others who may be fighting with her).

Valkyrie Farafero by epson777341

An angelic being clad in beatiful cerulean armor and sporting shining, ethereal wings, this being is often found searching for wayward souls on battlefields and brining them with her to the Halls of Valhalla, where they may fight and rejoice for eternity. Brandishing a long, spear made of light and wearing a winged metal helmet that protects her long, golden tresses. 

Black Soul Knight by Donald Hounnankan

It is the spirit form of a black knight that sworn loyalty to protect a kingdom. It wear a full set of a heavy black armor (Helmet that cover all the head and face + armor+ boot + a white large worn fabric at the hips over the armor), he use a heavy sword with runic inscriptions on it as a one hand weapon. He have the possibility to summon simple knight due to the skill leadership. He can evolve and become a black soul knight that can use 2 heavy sword or one sword and a light shield.

Shiante, Devourer of Souls

Looks like a faceless female angel of green flames, with golden armor and enormous wings of fire the same color. However, what seems to be the head is actually just an eye, its body opening in the middle to show a mouth with cruel teeth.

The soul. While we cannot see or grasp it, it is considered our source of power, our source of mind and life. Thus why a creature that preys on it is so abhorent for us. Shiante is not native to this plane. It is from a plane we would consider a hell, if it is not a part of it. It is not special, it is just one of many accidentally summoned to this one... but, like a cat on Australia, it has no natural predators. As such, it is a powerful danger, to which many bands of warriors were sent to deal with... and failed, being consumed and empowering her.

Gigandeath, Tyrant of the Plains by Damian Castaway

large albino tyrannosaur. A large and aggressive white tyrannosaur with piercing red eyes and sharp jagged teeth. It is known to attack trade routes and adventurers who dare cross it's path! It is unknown how it has survived this long but many scholars believe it to not be the only one left. Rows of spikes line it's back as it's adapted over millions of years to protect it's weak points from more intelligent creatures who would exploit them. Maybe spikes along it's tail as well. It still maintains the short arms and powerful large legs. Certainly would make for a great F.O.E. encounter! Maybe it could have a bite attack, and an attack where it leaps at the entire party like an Anjanath lol.

Goblin King by Glass

Goblin is now divided into two groups, one is the leader and the peace side of the high priest, and the other is the leader of the king of Goblin. King Goblin was known for his brutality, and even some famous adventurers talked about the change of color. When human beings fell into his hands, they would be cut alive and eaten raw. King Goblin, his magic chariot (made by Gough, a goblin science madman, needs a special kind of energy to start the chariot, which is extremely scarce), is carried by six goblins in peacetime. When King Goblin is injured, he opens the chariot (coolie escape). The chariot is very fast, it releases magic at both ends, as well as powerful magic shield, ordinary adventurer. Can only flee in the wind!!!

Crocodile King Sobek by Gabrielle Marzagalli 

The king of the crocodile warriors. He sits in his throne, in a golden palace in the middle of the fortified city of crocodile, located in the deepest part of the azure swamp. He's a giant, bipedal crocodile, with green skin and long claws, wearing a golden armor with symbols of water and a long, royal cape. His man attacks are with bite and claws, but it can also channel water magic or attack with a tail swipe. The crocodile king isn't vicious or evil, but it's realy easy to upset him, so you'd better be cautious.

Goblin High Priest by Glass

Unlike our impression of Goblin, they also have a gentle side.
So I want to have a pacifist female Goblin High Priest.
We have been working hard for the peaceful coexistence of human beings and Goblin.
Good at forest magic.
It has a very bad relationship with the violent Goblin Champion Sox.

Animated Update to Older Dragons Release III by Gregaur-X

Do you have enough dragons ? Of course not! Dragons have been one of the best fantasy symbols. Most of the time, they’re great bosses with epic fights. We already have a few of them but what would it be like to have more? Long time ago, Aekaschics created a bunch of great dragons, what would it be like to see some of them animated? 



Let's run up this Chronomancer and Shiante!