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Good morning!

Today we see the release for Sun Wukong as suggested by Kazo!


The Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong by Kazo
The king of the monkeys, born of a stone egg deep in the mountains. Immensely powerful, he had recently completed a Journey to the West and looks for entertainment in the mortal plane. He is a tricky opponent, wielding a massive pillar as a staff, and has the power to morph into several forms. Can you defeat such a legendary warrior?

Wukong arrives with an assorted variety of moves, which should hopefully provide you with enough tools to create a visually interesting combat!


After extensive testing in-engine I was rather pleased by the feel of these animations in actual combat!

I envision the monkey King as a secret superboss of sorts, but of coruse, I definitely look forward to seeing how he will be implemnted in your projects! please look forward to his 4-direction map sprite, portrait and fully preconfigured form as part of our upcoming July reward sets!

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