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Lets take a look at the top voted suggestions which will be our featured releases during the July 2019 update cycles!

First Update Cycle

  • Librarium Animated Absolution, The Ancient Horror by Yorae Rasante
  • Librarium Animated Trangor God Of The Forest by GiantHurtBall
  • Librarium Statics Fallen Kings Expansion by Anonfox93
  • Librarium Statics Elemental Raptors by Damian Castaway

Second Update Cycle

  •  Librarium Animated The Equal Of Heaven Sun Wukong by Kazo
  • Librarium Animated The Ravager by Sarah R.
  • Librarium Statics Clockwork Creatures Expansion by GiantHurtBall
  • Librarium Statics Legendary Knight Soldiers II by Gregaur-X

Very interesting and assorted picks! Really looking forward to these releases! I will be sharing progress on these as usual, stay tuned!