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Today we see the release for Prelegendary Knights V as suggested by Anonfox93 and voted by our community!

 Arch Magus Pizzaro: The first man in recorded history to be given title of Archmage. He displayed exceptional talent throughout all of life in his ability to understand and harness magic. As child he was able cast spells that took years to learn. As a teenager, he graduated from his local academy being deemed a genius amongst his peers. As a young adult he began to create new forms of magic and teach others about them. By 30, he departed from his city to travel the world, and spread the teachings of magic to other civilizations.
War Empress Serat: A young girl who woke up in a cave with no memory of who she was. The only thing she knew was that she stronger and better at fighting than anyone else around her. Whenever guards would try to arrest her for stealing money or food, she could easily defeat them. Whenever bandits or slave traffickers would try to kidnap her, she could easily overpower them. Eventually tired of seeing the injustice, poverty and slavery in the kingdom she lived in, Serat began to lead revolution to overthrow the rulers within hers and the surrounding kingdom. After many years and arduous battles, all of the royalty in the continent had been overthrown and Serat was crowned Empress by her supporters and advisors. However, in spite of the acquisition of her newfound kingdom it was not enough, she had already made plans conquer other kingdoms outside of the continent she dwelled in. The day before she planned to march her army into other lands a lone mage appeared in her court asking for her presence. Her advisors hesitant to let her see him finally allowed him to meet her. For 5 days straight they talked with each other discussing everything from history, to philosophy of life, the secrets of magic. Finally on the 6th day, Serat announced with a smile to her advisors that she would be giving up her plans of conquest, instead she was going to travel and see the world with this mage that she had met, leaving the kingdom in their hands. Her shocked advisors tried to dissuade her from making such a rash decision but before they plan intervention to prevent from doing so she disappeared alongside the mage on the 7th day, only from now on being known in legend. 
The Bound King, Archial: The first monarch to recognize the power of these group of knights. He offered them gold, land and protection in exchange for their services. As the king aged and his greed grew, he had them to bring him more and more dangerous objects. His biggest mistakes came when he tasked to bring him a cursed crown, said to impart the power of a sealed demon to whoever wore it. When the king finally obtained his desired artifact and began to don it upon his crown, he only noticed to late the smiling faces of the knights standing before him. The demonic entity had been purged from the crown, the knights instead had replaced it with a spell that took away the cognizance of whoever wore it. Thus from that day, Archial had become a slave for the Legendary knights. For the next several years the king would be used as a guinea pig, having all of the future equipment being tested on him first, before finally relegating him to be the guardian of their treasure vaults. -Anonfox93

Thanks Anonfox93 for this suggestion! I based my designs entirely on the contents of the prompt!

For Archmagus pizarro I wanted an arcane warrior, but fitting of the body build Pizarro armored mode has! And also the look of a vagrant, rather than that of a mage who followed more traditional paths. War empress Serat, I wanted a royal air, but I figured wielding several swords would be fitting of her description as a weapons and combat expert as well! For The bound king archial, I wanted the classic figure of a king, using the antler crown which his armored form also heavily features!

To power up Librarium Base Releases I figured it would be useful to bundle along with them a static single frame frontview map sprite for each of the featured creatures!

That way you can throw them into your projects early, and readily replace them if needed when the delivery of the 4-direction map sprites Dragon tier reward rolls out! 

Please enjoy Prelegendary Knights V! An Itch.io binding link will come tomorrow, in the meantime you can download it in the usual spot, attached to this post!

Did you like the designs in prelegendary Knights V? Let me know!

Download it today!


Download this exclusive release also on Itch/Bind this release to your itch.io account!





Fyi the itch io binding link isnt working


Yep works great! Thank you!