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With the voting season wrapped up, lets take a look at our winning suggestions for our April 2019 update cycles!

First Update Cycle

  •  Librarium Animated - Elemental Dragon Magma by Gregaur-X
  • Librarium Animated - Goblin Champion Sox by Ashlee Vella-Croft
  •  Librarium Statics - Eldritch Corruption by Charles W.
  •  Pre-legendary Knights V by Anonfox93 

Second Update Cycle

  • Librarium Animated -  Mythical Stag Kyris by Sarah R. 
  • Librarium Animated -  God Warrior Ishtar by Anonfox93 
  •  Librarium Static - Thieves and Bandits by Anger & Rage Interacive 
  •  Librarium Static - Steampunk Dwarves by Val Agiel 

We sure have a ton of interesting releases coming! Thanks for suggesting and voting!

Remember you can drop suggestions for animated creatures and static archetypes over at:


Lets get to work!




WOOO! DRAGONS!!! Can't wait to see the quality you all churn out. So excited.


Nice to see, Some of the older requests getting voted in with the way the sorting worked out. Kyris, Thieves and Bandits and Steampunk Dwarves have been on the list for quite a while. I hope more of the old suggestions keep getting voted in.


The pool system worked really well! :D Looking forwad to working on all of these!


Ooo one of my suggestions finally won for animated! Sweet :)