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Good Morning!

Today we see the release for Ignis The Enraged One as suggested by SenG and voted by our community! 

Ignis the Enraged One by SenG
When Gaia sent out her titans to fight the Eldritch, she needed a warrior. She had Dynamo to wrestle Yoggoth, Alfadriel to defend her, Ilnoct to trap them, and Demeres to stun them… but who would fight on the front line? Who would tear through the demons? So she crafted a sword of fire, one that would cut through nearly anything in existence. The sword floated in the air, a hand forming around the hilt. And from the fires of the blade burst forth a spirit, eternally filled with blind rage. Gaia named him Ignis and turned the creature towards the Eldritch. Ignis went through demon by demon, reducing them to ash. Falling in love with Demeres, he became the summer to her winter. Their relationship blossomed in the war, but the time of peace was far different. Without an outlet for the literal burning hate in his heart, Ignis became a crazed force and attacked the inhabitants of Gaia. The Titans were left with no choice other than to contain him. Terran formed the Center of the Earth and Dynamo shoved him deep within it. Now his fire would be quenched but the heat would travel to the surface. Even if he didn’t intend to protect the inhabitants of the Earth, he would be able to warm them. Demeres, broken hearted, went to the North, but we already know her story. With eons upon eons passing, and Yoggoth returning, what do we do with the Eldritch armies now? We could let Ignis fight them, but can we convince him to go back to the Center of the Earth afterwards? Do we let the fire burn or attempt to put it out? It’s up to you to decide!

Ignis rolls out featuring a number of attack motions, which will surely provide enough material to sequence interesting fights! Ignis's 4-direction map sprite will receive an upgrade to its existing one, as this previously static exclusive monsters had one already before!

Download it today!

Bind this release to your itch.io library! 

Edit: Zip file for this release has been added to the attachment section of this post, and also the missing dragonbones_settings file to configure this battle easily has been added to the pack! You can look forward to the full preconfigured action sequences as shown in the video in the upcoming March sample projects!


Librarium Animated - Fire Titan Ignis Motion Reel!

Ækashics Librarium (www.akashics.moe) is a library of static and animated battlers available for usage in any game engine and any game project constantly in growth! Today we see the release for Ignis The Enraged One as suggested by SenG over at patreon! Get a download key to this base release pack by joining Librarium's patreon today at the lowest pledge tier ! https://www.patreon.com/aekashics Already a patron? Claim access today! https://www.patreon.com/posts/25555485 --------------------------------------- Get Librarium's Free Ultrapack with 900+ free battler assets! https://aekashics.itch.io/aekashics-librarium-librarium-static-batch-megapack Get Librarium's RPG Maker MV Dragonbones Integration Sample Project! https://aekashics.itch.io/librarium-dragonbones-demo-20