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Good night everyone!

Spent a lot of time refining this release, so I am excited to post it up tonight for everyone!

Harbinger as suggested by Charles W!

 Harbinger by Charles W

A Reaper tasked with fixing time anomalies. Floating off the ground his skeletal feet hang below his black robe open at the chest with intricate gear designs across it. hidden behind his ribs is black energy encompassing a grandfather clock ticking back and forth endlessly. His abyssal black eye sockets show single red dots in the center. parts of his skull show grains of sand of time falling off and endlessly swirl around his body then patching it back up. The signature scythe is made of ancient wood infused with moving gears and a blue glowing hourglass just below the long blade.

Now Harbinger was a design where I kept looking at it once the base sketch was ready and kept thinking, hmm what else could fit here! Here is his initial sketch for trivia!

I also encountered several difficulties once it was time to animate, since some original ideas I had for it, didnt pan out due to limitations with Dragonbones, still, you can catch a glimpse of what his animation pool brings to the table on the video above!

Thanks Charles for this wonderful suggestion! Surely a repear like Harbinger can fit a variety of scenarios in many different games!

I still havent had time to update patreon's front page to reflect the recent upgrades we have seen to our rewards and reflect the most recent changes in terms of how now Librarium releases are available to patrons only, but it is of high priority for me to get to it before the month ends! Stay tuned for more releases in upcoming days! :D

Download it today!

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Harbinger Preview Reel!




I did not expect this to actually be made! This is so cool thanks so much for making it. Can't wait to see what else you make.


Of course! Hope to make more in the future, who knows maybe they will be good enough.