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Good night everyone! I'm dying to get started with work in our February Releases, so lets Let's take a look, shall we? :D

Librarium Animated

Pool A

  • Leash The Cruel Blood Mage by Gregaur-X - 13 Votes
  •  Harbinger by Charles W - 10 Votes 

Pool B

  •  Wyvern Zefir by Gabriele Marzagalli - 15 Votes
  •  The Hundred Handed by Clint Russell - 12 Votes 

Librarium Extra 

Pool A

  • Fusion Beasts by Kazo - 16 Votes
  • Legendary Knight Disciples II by Gregaur-X - 15 Votes

Pool B 

  • Undead Egyptian Creatures by Gregaur-X - 12 Votes 
  • Tree people by Jason Rentmore - 12 Votes 

All I can say is...wow! Super Looking forward to growing our library of 4-direction map sprites, static & animated battlers with all these ideas!

Lets get to work right now!


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