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 Time of the month to vote for our Librarium Animated picks for the February Update Cycles!

When it comes to pledge rewards, Librarium Animated releases receive a 4-Direction map sprite, a fully drawn from scratch bust portrait on top of other goodies!

 Let's get voting!

As a general reminder, Librarium Polls have 2 winners per pool! 


Wolfbull demon Goliath by Kazo

This demon is known as the "King of the Land", and for good reason. It has a bulky body of muscle that slightly resembles that of a dark red wolf, but on its head are the horns of a bull, perfect for stabbing opponents with. Despite its huge form, it is an intelligent creature. It has the power to call down meteors from the sky, and will use this when it deems it necessary. It has been known to wipe armies and whole cities off of the map, so most people avoid engaging it in battle.

Wyvern Zefir by Gabriele Marzagalli

This great wyvern is the king of its mountain. It have a slender, dark green body, with two big dragon wings, two clawed legs and a long tail ending with a sharp blade. The head is long with sharp, venomous teeth.  It attacks at great speed with its venomous bite and sharp claws, but it can also flap its wings to push the opponent to the ground

FF Inspired Animated  by Ainars Tomsons

Animated creatured inspired on Kujata, Leviathan, Ifrit, Bahamut, Phoenix, Ramuh, Odin, Alexander, Ragnarok (sword) or Valigarmanda.

Dazcuz master of War by Sonny

One of the few strongest human being that can withstan other worldy beings. Dazcus apperance is like a samurai shogun with runes over his armors. His mask apperance will be more Dragon like. He uses a giant katana./ Animation: handmotions while holding his weapon, helmet motion(like the dragons mane animation) & aura motion. Hopes this gets pick 

God Warrior Ishtar by Anonfox93

Legends spoke of the gods as beings that created all,  crafted the world, and feared no one. Of course this was not true, there were many mortals, beasts and demons that the gods feared. As time progressed and many races and beasts evolved powerful beings started to emerge throughout the mortal realm. The gods started becoming increasingly paranoid about their positions being usurped by the creatures they now rule over. Thus the pantheon of gods decided to create a secret weapon, by imbuing a chosen love goddess with a piece of each god's power they were able to turn into a war goddess bearing all our strengths and none of their weaknesses.  

Edmund, Herald of the Storm by Anonfox93

A knight who sought to restore honor to his disgraced family through service for his king and his country. He unfortunately would have found nothing but death on one of the king's skirmishes if not for an unexpected lightning bolt that struck ground near him in the midst of battle producing a magical hammer. A voice from the hammer offered him immense power if he gave up his life in service to the god Jupiter instead of his country and its crown. After a quick second of thought, Edmund reached and grabbed the hammer allowing for a new knight to be born, sworn to the Lord of the sky, Jupiter himself.

Witch Hunter Leader by SenG

Really I’m fine with any of the three witch hunters being animated but if I had to pick one, I would love to see the Leader animated. Unlike the Legendary Knights and the various monsters, it would be interesting to see a man who believes what he is doing is right. Depending on the game, perhaps he is an ally fighting some ancient evil with you. A classic superboss hiding as an ally like Father Rodin in Bayonetta. Or perhaps one of your party members is a witch and you have come across the leader of the Witch Hunters. 

The Hundred Handed by Clint Russell

A hulking titan with 4-6 arms, heavily built, wearing rags or loin cloth which denote his barely intelligent single mindedness of smashing! Tattoos of control runes cover his arms and chest. He is the mindless, but obedient enforcer of a god.  His animated attacks include rapid strikes from all his arms in succession, pummeling his opponents; a 6-handed simultaneous slap, knocking characters senseless; a grab attack followed by a 6-armed squeeze squishing foes into paste!

Elirabeth II the Queen Rat by Gregaur-X

Of course, if you choose the “rat warrior” you want their queen to rise. Queen Elirabeth is the mother of all rat, queen of the sewer. She’s deform by all the offspring she give birth and the trash she have eaten for years. Her crown and her dress are made with common stuff you can find in both SF and Fantasy games.

The Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong by Kazo

The king of the monkeys, born of a stone egg deep in the mountains. Immensely powerful, he had recently completed a Journey to the West and looks for entertainment in the mortal plane. He is a tricky opponent, wielding a massive pillar as a staff, and has the power to morph into several forms. Can you defeat such a legendary warrior? 

Royal Guardsmen by Anonfox93

A set of soldiers working for the kingdom, who function well together in  a group, their not happy but retirement is a long way ahead.

Similar to The Horde, a set of three individually animated soldiers/knights that function as one unit but individually only have very few animations.  One has an axe, one has a bow and one has a spear. This would also make it easier for us to split them into different combinations if we only wanted to use 2 or 1 of them.

Supersoldier by SamSmith

Description: Mutant, futuristic soldiers with animalistic features and bestial demeanor. They were created long ago and helped bring ruin to the world-dominating megacorporation which created them from the best soldiers. The first models may still be around--they once were criminals...

Caim by Darkstarmatryx

Creature: Demon from Ars Goetia ranked President of Hell Name: Caim Description: Caim is a Thrush or a black bird who stands with a belt with a sword and scabbard and claws at the end of his wings which he can draw the sword with.  He has the ability to transform into a man and when in that form seems to stand upon a pile of ash.   His attacks would mostly rely on a frontal sword attack or a flight based dive bomb attack.  While his magic attacks would be less magic and more prophetic truths they would bring on states of confusion and berserk rage.

Nio Harmonia by Clint Russell

Based on the Nio Demons of Japanese lore. Nio demons are a pair of deities that guard houses and placed near entrances. They are often made of wood with metal inlay. The Nio ward off evil spirits. One of them is depicted with an open mouth, bearing his teeth, and wielding a staff that commands lightning. The other always close mouthed and uses a sword. The animations could include: a swing and holding up of the staff to  perform a lightning attack, a prayer to command a sun/flare attack, the open mouthed demon performing a shout that begins a wind-gust, sumo style physical attacks. These statues are also supposed to be carved such that they appear as if in a wind storm with hair and clothes blow around them. 

Piece Knight by Clint Russell

Description 1): The creature is composed entirely of random body parts used in different ways to show the usual human shape- arms placed side by side up the torso so they look similar to ribs and their fingers interlock at the sternum or spine. It has heads/faces forming the rounded shoulders, an oversized right arm laying down on the ground and 2 left arms reaching up in front of it with wanting, it's head is multiple faces bubbling up from its shoulders with mouths agape and hollow eyes. Description 2): a mound of flesh with all manner of limbs sticking out of it making it feel like it was formed with no thought or reason put into it. Think of maybe a spider comprised entire of human parts. Eight human legs. Eight small human faces with eyes set in their open mouths sitting on a body made of a segmented torso. Or just a big ball of veiny and pulsing flesh. The animation options here have a lot of potential with multi-handed grab attacks, fleshy cartwheels, trample attacks, or a repel attack that leaves the screen and pounces on the party.

Animated Update to Older Dragons Release III by Gregaur-X

Do you have enough dragons ? Of course not! Dragons have been one of the best fantasy symbols. Most of the time, they’re great bosses with epic fights. We already have a few of them but what would it be like to have more? Long time ago, Aekaschics created a bunch of great dragons, what would it be like to see some of them animated? 

The Kelpie By D.R.G

The Kelpie is a water horse demon in Celtic folklore. and this beast would be based off of that.  the first form would be a beautiful white horse with a white/yellow mane. basically just a regular horse  the second form would be a black horse with decaying flesh, it's hind legs would be fused together to form a tail, it's mane would resemble seaweed. 


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