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Today we see the released for Mythical Knight Goldnharl, as suggested by Kazo and voted by our lovely community!

 This knight in sleek golden armor is spoken of only in legend, and it is unknown if he is real or not. The stories of him are also unclear, some say he is a predecessor of the Legendary Knights, while others claim he was a wandering knight that helped anyone he could reach. The only thing that the stories could agree on was that his sword Aurum Rex would glow brightly before he unleashed a devastating attacks and his armor Caelum Armis could defend from all but the strongest of attacks. Surely any adventure worth their salt would like to cross swords with such a legend? - Kazo

Goldnharl was all in all a fun release to work on! He features the following Attack motions, allowing for a nice pool of attacks for your projects!

Watch them lag free in the following link:


Initially I did want to include the golden glow which was listed under the suggestion, but due to limitations with the dragonbones plugin for now, I had to scrap it out!


still, the release itself is flexible enough!

Thanks Kazo for this fun suggestion!

Who has a place in their projects for Goldnharl? Feel free to share about it!

Download it today!




Thank ya :)


I love him and will use in my project. Can u make an 4-direction-sprite of him? I want him to be a major character in my game.


a 4 direction map sprite of him, along a bust portrait was delivered as part of the january 2019 dragon tier rewards! The pack should be going up on gumroad this week :D


Man, I look away and then I find out he was picked! That makes me feel great.