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Howdy everyone!!

Today I am super excited to share with you guys the Elemental Titans update II, as suggested by Gregaur-X!

We have static Fire, Eath and Water, Animated Darkness, Light Thunder and Ice. Now we can ask for : - Titan of Wind : Ventos - Titan of Nature : Tellia and maybe a new one - Titan of Life : Aphylia. A beautiful woman with very loon green hair with gold at its extremity. She can wear some very light clothes with gold ornements. She is the mother of all human and creature. -gregaur-X

These took way longer than I expected, but looking at them together I think the result was worth it! They also give me more ideas to further evolve our main lines of releases and schemes for 2019!

Do you like the new titans? Let me know!




Sooo coool ; v ; But by far, the coolset thing is that the earth godness has an affro made out of leaves with apples in it. That's so funky!!


And with that, the original titans have been remastered! I love all three of them!


Wooooow! So amazing 😍


Looks very promising ... oh ... and a happy new year :)


These are all so cool. Just started following and donating to you. Cant wait to see what else you make!