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Howdy everyone!

First off wishing everyone very happy holidays! A warm  greeting from this illustrator to everyone!

Onwards to news, last weekend I started the procedure to move all Librarium Rewards from SugarSync to Box.com, primarily because I have been getting a lot of reports lately regarding the performance of Sugarsync, including corrupted files, super slow download speeds, and unavailability in some countries!

After running some tests with Box, I think it will serve us well!

No links will be going down while the moving is in place so no worries there, but if you have ever had an issue with downloading a reward pack (Be it unbearble donwload speeds to the point where you couldnt even download it, or a corrupted file which you could not open), feel free to notify me to update you with a box link!

From these upcoming reward packs for the December update cycles and onwards, all content will be hosted on Box!

Now also with other news, I suffered a bit of an accident with Grunt's PSD, resulting in lost work and thus causing a delay, but I have finally finished inking and coloring him once again, and animation process is going underway! 

I think it's that time of the month  where we enter a nice streak of releases, so stay tuned!

Once again happy holidays! Thanks for taking the time to read this entry! See you soon!


(No title)



He looks like a beast looking forward to release


Thanks for the switch! I have downloaded some packages more than 5 hours and i have 400k download speed :D


If you could give me the links for the last rewards and the forgotten map sprites from the October Update Cyle that would be very nice :)