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Today we take a look at the sketches for the upcoming remaining Zodiac Creatures archetype, as suggested by Iacas!

In this edition, Saggitarius, Scorpio and Ophiuchus!

Each of them presented interesting design challenges, but moving forward I feel these capture the essence of the previous ones! Ophiuchus and saggitarius were the most fun ones, as I fiddled around with different concepts. In the end for Ophiuchus I decided to fo for a literal bearer of snakes, rather than just a giant snake!

Certainly hoping you guys will like these! been a long ride for our Zodiacs archetype for sure! :D Have a nice weekend!


(No title)



Ooo I *really* like the snake design. Especially the armor around her arm. Awesome work☆♡☆


I'm wondering what your 4-direction map sprites will look like now. I do need a giant scorpion and giant snake for an upcoming encounter......

Twilight Faze

I'm planning to use these Zodiacs as well as the Discovered Space Planets music pack to do a sort of side-quest for my game. I really love the Scorpio music track and the design here is even better than what I imagined for him! You've always exceeded expectations, but for me this is next level! Kudos!


Was planning on doing the sprite centered on the Snake Master, but maybe we can do the snake instead!


Haha interesting! And happy to hear that Twilight! Their initial release is up, you can certainly look forward to the PSDs for these as rewards for the first update cycle eventually!