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Not compromising on quality, here we are, Shaccad Yoggoth's Humanoid Dark Queen Form as suggested by Gregaur-X and voted by our community!

Even if He doesn’t really look like an human, this form is far less scary than his real form. He used it to rule, to give orders, or just to be able to get into a room without breaking the walls. As a God, he can decide what he looks like (Young, female, old,… as Aekachics want) but, due to color or other details, we can recognize the Dark Eldritch God. His human form could be for a 1st boss fight. And when you though you just finish the game, he comes back with his real form ! (What do you mean, déjà vu ?)  -Gregaur-X

This one was pretty much animating two monsters so it got a bit more challenging and time consuming than what I had anticipated, but I think it was worth it! I was happy not to rush through it for sure!

Download Dark Queen Shaccad'Yoggoth Today! Please look forward to her 4-Direction Map Sprite as well!




Hi im a new patreon i just wanted to know your work is amazing :D


Welcome aboard Sergio! Thanks for the kind words! Let me know if you have any questions regarding how Librarium's Patreon works!