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Hi everyone!

This month got super busy but I finally got to the chance to start working on the very excellent Librarium Animated suggestions topping our polls for July!

First off the Insect Queen, as suggested by  GiantHurtBall , an interesting concept which had the fun twist of bringing butterfly-like wings into the idea! I wanted to give her a crown-like head decor, but still keeping up with the insect theme. Hope it worked out!

Then we have The  Continent Turtle Rukkha as suggested by Yuki Farron which had some really interesting lore behind it, Although for practical purposes we can't have the actual scale of it as a battler, hopefully this rendition matches the vision of the suggestion, I just loved the idea of imagining a creature like this roaming around, making the location of the treasure it holds within its tree a true challenge !

Last off in this update post we have the  Astral Lich Zeris as suggested by Jamiel Hilda , which was also another fun idea, as I played around with the written description before I decided to settle with a flame spirit-like being, with the flames having the overall shape of heavy armor. The description was definitely a summon, so I figured this design worked properly for it. 

Please look forward to these releases!


(No title)



I'm mega happy I didn't go to sleep the insect queen looks awesome thank you for your hard work :)


I love them all. I also am a huge fan of how the insect queen is turning out.


Awesome designs! My favorite is the continental turtle so far, but they are all great


Well... insects have 6 legs, spiders have 8, they’re not insect.... so it’s a queen spider. What ? We don’t care ? Agreed ! Your work is amazing 😉 !