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Like Librarium animated poll but for our static archetype picks!

Also taken from https://www.patreon.com/posts/librarium-box-3-17331157

Vikings! by Tetsujin

Vikings wielding either two small axes, sword / hammer / spear & shield, bow, two handed axe / sword / hammer, two daggers, drums / flutes / string instrument (bard). Lots of beard! Big horned helmets (oversized?) Tattoos. Some are buff, some thin, some have capes, some have hoods.

Beholders by Pavilion5097

The Mighty Beholder, Death Tyrant, and Spectator.

These are creatures that make even the bravest of adventures shake in their boots when seen. These would make a great addition as no matter how they are implemented in a game they are also fun and challenging to fight.

For reference the names are pulled from D&D 

Undead Egyptian Creatures by Gregaur-X

 Some Warriors, like the Egyptian Units pack but in more… dead. Not Momies, skeletons with Egyptian clothes and weapons.

 Panther Squadron by IamPortugues

A werelion in paladin armor, a weretiger with light armor and a wereleopard soldier in armor with a cape.  

Void Corrupted by Kneeshaw

An additional Elemental Archetype. Natural creatures for that have been poisoned by too much magic.  

Cyborg Assasins by Crazy Cactus

Scantily clad, sexy cyborg assassins possibly wearing ninja style clothing (how "revealing" or not up to you) and each with weapons unique to them. Perhaps one of them is the "queen" or leader of the group, wears similar outfit but with menacing bad-ass hoodie to hide more of her face, whilst wielding two katanas. 

 Secondary Elementals by Clint Russell

a group of secondary elementals falling outside the normal scope or are hybrids of two elemental types! Ink elemental, dark, lithe, and liquidy; Acid elemental, his body is average build, but smoking, green and brown, and looks like it's disintegrating; Glacier elemental, a skeleton viewable through, but completely encased in blocky ice; Time elemental, a human figure cloaked in a hooded robe with a bright blue outline surrounding his body; Sulfur elemental, dark gray, almost black being with smoking yellow eyes whose chest opens up to reveal a crystalline, bright yellow, cavernous interior; Avarice elemental made from a pile of gold coins ; War elemental, a hulking being completely encased in thick, angular, steel plates wielding a gigantic double wide sword laid across the back of his shoulders, his other hand resting on a large square tower shield nearly as tall as he is propped up on the ground in front of him 

Thieves and Bandits by Anger & Rage Interacive

Battler Archetype Name: Thieves and Bandits  Creatures you would like to see within the pack: A rough and tough band of bandits. Bandits could vary in as a rough swordsman, a shady archer, a raging berserker, and a filthy rogue. This Archetype could be expanded in other related bandits such as: Low class kingdom goons, forest bandits, mountain bandits, or even sea bandits (AKA Pirates). 

Rat Warriors  by Gregaur-X

The rat warriors are small and skinny, they live in the sewers of a big human city. They are weak and vicious, afraid to go outside in the men's world. But underground they rule ! Their main strength is their outnumber. They use junk as weapons. They may use some common tools you can find in both SF and Fantasy games, like forks, knives, fishbones or other things so Makers can use them in both kinds of game.   


Modern Fighters (SWAT-like team) by Sarah R. 

Creatures you would like to see within those packs: We've got post-modern fighters (who are v cool in their own right) but we skipped over more current enemies that people could be facing. I'm thinking a tank-type behind a riot shield, a sniper, an infiltrator (maybe with a drone?) who could do more support techniques, and a more generic guy with a pistol and/or rifle. Either androgynous or a 50/50 mix of male and female fighters is preferred :3 EDIT forgot to talk about coloration! Blacks and greys are probably more "standard" but it could be fun to have the team be in a less-seen color in the battlers, like with a bright blue or purple accent on mostly silver? I just really love huge pops of color in a palette! 

Special Spiders by Gabriele Marzagali Creatures you would like to see within those packs: A game can’t call himself fantasy without a bunch of giant spiders, and every hero is prepared to deal with them but when it comes to fire spiders, swarms of spiders, ghost spiders and… wait, was that a spider dragon?!  Well, maybe this time the heroes won't win easily…   

Cave Dwellers by Senor Pigster Pale Dragon with no eyes, Worms, Rock Mimics, Giant Bats, Mutated Insects etc

Assembling Automatons by AlejandroSQ

So, yes, this may be more of an expansion to the Ancient Automatons idea above, but it could be interesting to see automatons that are assembled or can be considered as combinations of other automatons. A pegasus-like automaton that is used as a mount by other automaton(s) for example, or going full Voltron and having multiple enemies as part of the "boss" of the package, so to speak.


Modern Psychics by Jeaceb

modern day students or suits with psychic auras. Some with different auras like fire water or just energy

Elemental Wolves by Sam Smith

Tree people by Jason Rentmore

like treebeard from lord of the rings, enemies including unarmed warriors, armoured and mage. 

Modern Gang Members by Somewhat Eclectic

A collection of thugs that visually fit into a modern setting. Ideally with a couple different weapon types (knife, chain, pistol, etc).

Zombies by L’Antre Du Geek

Creatures that were transformed into zombified creatures; could be inspired from already made humanoïds and animals.

Battle Squirrels by Yorae Rasante

Normal Squirrel, Warrior Squirrel, Archer Squirrel, Mage Squirrel, Healer Squirrel... basically those "basic slimes with classes" but using squirrels 



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