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Up next, This fearsome guardian emerges, as suggested by Gabriele Marzagalli!
 Everyone needs a golem right? What's better than an evolution of the golem we already have? Created to protect an ancient vault, this golem is an animated statue made of well-worked stone blocks, engraved with magical runes. It carry its duty by smashing intruders with its four giant arms wielding stone swords and inhuman strenght. But when it activates the magical runes its swords gets empowered with magical power and it starts firing Energy beams from the 8 giant gems it has instead of its eyes. This sure is a powerful opponent, but why does it keep everyone away from the vault? And who created it? And more importantly… How many golds is worth the giant eye-gems?  -Gabriele Marzagalli

Another fun one for sure. I don't think we get many multiple arm Librarium entries so drawing Goliath was a refreshing experience! This release sports a total of 4 different animations, hopefully giving your encounters with this fellow enough spice and variety!

Download it today!



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