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Hello everyone!

This time around I got a preview ready for our plant Warriors, as suggested by Darkstarmatryx! 

Of course these will see further refinement and details added (such as the knife for the Mandrake) , but it is always exciting to share these WIP shots!

 The Mandrake Fighter standing tall at his 2ft, 18 inch body with a nice green top.  his arms having a little roots wrapped around a small knife ready for combat. The mandrakes mouth is open ready to wail it's deafening cry.    The Cape Sundew Trapmaker is an expert trapmaker and mid-range combat artist.  This Yellow tentacled Plant man stands at roughly the height of a goblin and lays out sticky traps in combat.  His arms themselves are made of the sundew tentacles with the little water like droplets and can be used to ensnare his opponents and start digesting them.  Healing himself while damaging them. His hair is also made up of the same sundew tentacles to catch bugs and such to survive on. The Rose Thorn Knight is the last of this first list of plant warriors A rosebush that achieved sentience  and a hominid stance can walk and even wields a sword entwined with rose thorns  amongs the roses two eyes are seen from roses in the head region and even leaf falling in a way to give it a mouth. The Rose night stands as tall as a man and while lacking in armor wields the speed and strength of a knight and a thief combined.  As it rears its beatiful sword for its swing.  All three plant warriors have a head and body arms and legs and can walk they also have some level of roots that they can use to sink themselves into the ground if need be. Eyes and a mouth are found on both the Mandrake Warrior and the Rose Knight but I leave it the the artists creativity for the  Cape Sundew Trapmaker (being that the Cape Sundew is such an interesting plant as it is). 

I think the cape sundew is best appreciated with a darker background!


(No title)



I love them so very much. The mandrake you may want to put that sort of hollow mouth for the fabled scream. If not it still looks great as it is. I love you design for the Cape Sundew Trapper and am so glad I thought to leave that one completely to your creativity. You came up with a masterful design. The Rose Knight is down right evil and vicious looking. These warriors certainly look ready to defend their sacred forest home.