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Hello everyone!

Greeting your inbox tonight with the release of Darkness Titan Ilnoct!

The titans go way back to the second week of Librarium, so coming back  to this design was definitely special! Thanks SenG for suggesting it and all of you for voting him in, I certainly hope you will find a spot for him in your games!

Deep underground, chained to Tartarus itself, there lies a legend. The architect of the primordial sin. A creature filled with nothing but malice, the titan of eternal darkness. The chain snaps. The force of terror rushes to the surface and breaks open the very Earth. Ilnoct the Imprisoned One has returned, and he is looking to resume his reign of fear. -SenG  

As now usual, I included sample action sequences for his four attack animations, I cant get to do showcase videos atm, but you can definitely see them for yourselves by using the files I have included, hope you will like this release!

Do you want to see more animated titans? :D

Ilnoct is part of the second March update cycle!






After testing his sprite I can say you have gone so far above my wildest dreams. The imprisoned one doesn't see mortals as worthy of his attention. A slight wave of his hand and the party member is almost obliterated by his unquestioned power. The force of darkness incarnite! He is utterly perfect.