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Librarium Extras are our bimonthly static releases, traditionally we will see full monster archetypes here, rather than individual monster concepts like in Librarium Animated!

This time around our roster has:

 Modern Fighters (SWAT-like team) by Sarah R.

Creatures you would like to see within those packs: We've got post-modern fighters (who are v cool in their own right) but we skipped over more current enemies that people could be facing. I'm thinking a tank-type behind a riot shield, a sniper, an infiltrator (maybe with a drone?) who could do more support techniques, and a more generic guy with a pistol and/or rifle. Either androgynous or a 50/50 mix of male and female fighters is preferred :3 EDIT forgot to talk about coloration! Blacks and greys are probably more "standard" but it could be fun to have the team be in a less-seen color in the battlers, like with a bright blue or purple accent on mostly silver? I just really love huge pops of color in a palette! 

 Special Spiders by Gabriele Marzagali
Creatures you would like to see within those packs: A game can’t call himself fantasy without a bunch of giant spiders, and every hero is prepared to deal with them but when it comes to fire spiders, swarms of spiders, ghost spiders and… wait, was that a spider dragon?!  Well, maybe this time the heroes won't win easily…  


Cave Dwellers by Senor Pigster
Pale Dragon with no eyes, Worms, Rock Mimics, Giant Bats, Mutated Insects etc

Assembling Automatons by AlejandroSQ

So, yes, this may be more of an expansion to the Ancient Automatons idea above, but it could be interesting to see automatons that are assembled or can be considered as combinations of other automatons. A pegasus-like automaton that is used as a mount by other automaton(s) for example, or going full Voltron and having multiple enemies as part of the "boss" of the package, so to speak.


Plant Warriors by Darkstarmatryx

The Mandrake Fighter standing tall at his 2ft, 18 inch body with a nice green top.  his arms having a little roots wrapped around a small knife ready for combat. The mandrakes mouth is open ready to wail it's deafening cry.    The Cape Sundew Trapmaker is an expert trapmaker and mid-range combat artist.  This Yellow tentacled Plant man stands at roughly the height of a goblin and lays out sticky traps in combat.  His arms themselves are made of the sundew tentacles with the little water like droplets and can be used to ensnare his opponents and start digesting them.  Healing himself while damaging them. His hair is also made up of the same sundew tentacles to catch bugs and such to survive on. The Rose Thorn Knight is the last of this first list of plant warriors A rosebush that achieved sentience  and a hominid stance can walk and even wields a sword entwined with rose thorns  amongs the roses two eyes are seen from roses in the head region and even leaf falling in a way to give it a mouth. The Rose night stands as tall as a man and while lacking in armor wields the speed and strength of a knight and a thief combined.  As it rears its beatiful sword for its swing.  All three plant warriors have a head and body arms and legs and can walk they also have some level of roots that they can use to sink themselves into the ground if need be. Eyes and a mouth are found on both the Mandrake Warrior and the Rose Knight but I leave it the the artists creativity for the  Cape Sundew Trapmaker (being that the Cape Sundew is such an interesting plant as it is).

Rabbit Warriors by Darkstarmatryx
Creatures you would like to see within those packs: The Rabbit warriors stand tall well not very tall, okay they are small.  One with leather armor and a dagger makes for a great thief and quick assassin to those who enter their forest. Another wields a slightly larger blade like its a full on sword with modified chain mail to fit his diminutive size a little round buckler shield for protection for his frontal assaults.  The third partner in this group wearing only brush like armor for disguise wields a small short bow for ambushing their enemies.  These three like to act as front men the anthropomorphic village.

Modern Psychics by Jeaceb

modern day students or suits with psychic auras. Some with different auras like fire water or just energy

Elemental Wolves by Sam Smith

Tree people by Jason Rentmore

like treebeard from lord of the rings, enemies including unarmed warriors, armoured and mage. 

Modern Gang Members by Somewhat Eclectic

A collection of thugs that visually fit into a modern setting. Ideally with a couple different weapon types (knife, chain, pistol, etc).

Medieval Bandits by Styx92

Some angry and heavy guys with different weapons and outfits. Knife, sword, dual wield etc.

Zombies by  L’Antre Du Geek

Creatures that were transformed into zombified creatures; could be inspired from already made humanoïds and animals.

Battle Squirrels by Yorae Rasante

Normal Squirrel, Warrior Squirrel, Archer Squirrel, Mage Squirrel, Healer Squirrel... basically those "basic slimes with classes" but using squirrels 

Rat Warriors by Gregaur-X

 The rat warriors are small and skinny, they live in the sewers of a big human city. They are weak and vicious, afraid to go outside in the men's world. But underground they rule ! Their main strength is their outnumber. They use junk as weapons. They may use some common tools you can find in both SF and Fantasy games, like forks, knives, fishbones or other things so Makers can use them in both kinds of game. 


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