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Hey everyone! the monster poll will be coming later, but first I want to kick off october with something fresh.

Let's hear some locations you guys would like to see as a tileset this month!

I think the Librarium Temple has given me enough experience at this point to tackle more interesting locations.

If I could say suggest something, I think we should brainstorm some locations which can't currently be covered by the tiles which already exist, but are very much needed. As you all know these are all gradual projects, so we can't cover everything at once, as much as I would love to! So if anything I think it would be nice if we started by some really unique interesting locations!

As with other Librarium content, we will hold a poll based on the suggestions here, and go with the top voted option!




How about an airship and clouds tileset?

Daniel Kelly

It'd be nice to have something a bit more modern.


Maybe some steam punk stuff? Pipes, valves, engines, things like that. An airship could be cool, to. Maybe a train?


What a perfect opportunity to insert some gore/horror/occult elements! Abattoirs, bloody hand prints, pentagram circles for floor tiles, paintings with moving eyes, hooks and dangling chains in the foreground, animal (wolf) statues with glowing red eyes, organs (both instruments and body parts >=) ) frayed and worn carpets and tapestries, floor tiles with different runes written in blood, candles and candelabras, all all against a dark blue/grey stone. Would make for a great ancient/evil castle or dungeon setting.


Aztec/Inca step pyramid with sacrificial alter and stains stones the indented blood groove for animating victim blood flow down the along the sides of the steps. Allows for new environment based plants at the base of the pyramid as well as interesting stone textures in the steps.


Another perfect fall opportunity is a deciduous forest with turning leaves, pumpkin patches, stumps with hatchets, scarecrows, crows perched on things, bonfires, hazy fog patches that occlude walking characters, grave stones, mud pits, pulsing/glowing will-o-wisp clouds, swampy green waters, bone piles sticking out of the ground and swampy water features.


And lastly, steam punk tiles are a great idea and I back that. Brass piping with steam leaking out, gauges on walls, goggles and other items lying on the floor, floor tiles with grating/bars revealing dense clockwork beneath it, steam vents upon the ground, elevator openings into the ground, large astrolabes with gearing, pocket watches on tables or hanging from racks on dressers, dressing screens, intricate water piping on walls, pipes and tobacco worked in somehow, finished and unfinished barrels and hoops, white cloth pieces being stitched together for zeppelilns.


Hey Aekashics, the Librarium Temple looks great! I would like a more SNES "Star Ocean-like" tileset. Very futuristic, maybe some space ship interior tiles, maybe some lush forest planet pieces to match the theme of space and time. I'm sure whatever you pick will turn out looking great. :)

Twilight Faze

I have yet to see any decent Airship tilesets, both exterior and interior. I'd love to see something like that, even if it's that blimp from the base resources.


Blood and bodies. c: