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Hey guys!

This time around we expand the Librarium selection with the release of the Jiangshi! The top voted option in our August poll, and part of the Asian Folklore Monsters Archetype, as suggested by  Daryl Crawford

On a personal note doing research for this monster was a lot of fun, and giving it animation even more so! Hope it will add some flair to your ghost/zombie areas! 

Download it today from the attachment to this post!




Nice release. If you do any more creations from this Asian theme, I would just like to suggest for you, Manticore or, even better the legendary Aqrabuamelu. Head, torso and arms of a human and the body of a scorpion. The inspiration of the Scorpion King for example of Mesopotamian legend. I'll be so excited when I get these new animations working. ^_^


Oh, absolutely fantastic! I love the flames and the detailing on the outfit the most. It gives the monster a more grounded feel where it's not just "spooky guy in a coat." It looks like a character who was reanimated. Love it!


absolutely perfect I love it!


Thanks! That was exactly what I intended by adding the wisps to this design!


Glad to hear Daryl! you suggested a lot of interesting options! I just had to go with Jiangshi as it remidned me of other games haha