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Just curious! if not, what are you using?



RPG Maker is definitely a game engine I'm targeting, but depending on the design as some inevitably won't fit it I'll look to others that can, and then it's a matter of what design my situation that isn't the most stable suits (e.g. when I wanted to make a small scale project for the largely observed Ludum Dare game jam I used Unity). I've written Unreal Engine 4 off as a target as their visual scripting tool is a broken unoptimized mess. I'm crossing my fingers while looking at the future releases of Godot v3 and Lumbreyard which have both mentioned visual scripting solutions-though so far look to be taking Unreal Engine 4's direction and leaving them as a broken mess just to pretend they can add that to their dotpoint of features. I only by a somehow lucky chance stumbled across an exciting upcoming open source 2d/3d mix (imagine paper mario) that could potentially give more design room than RPG Maker with a smart flexible event system that's not outside of the scope of anyone who can use visual scripting-though I'm concerned about their management considering they haven't purchased a .com domain nor updated a bunch of areas of their site/released new videos with a beta coming up so soon (Though I did get a thorough response to questions I made on their facebook page which has me hoping they can pull through with what looks to reach the flexible kind of RPG engine I've been wanting). RPG Paper Maker is the engines name - <a href="http://rpgpapermaker.gq/index.php/news/28-update-20" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://rpgpapermaker.gq/index.php/news/28-update-20</a> Also, at least in their outdated tech demo they actually had 8 directional movement! (Which somehow even the 3D Smile game builder couldn't include)


I'm on a bit of a hiatus, but I am most def using rpg maker.