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Hi everybody,

Just a heads up I'm still working on a fix for Glassix 2 new version which currently crashes randomly when loading the city or a room. (I made a mistake in previous post, next version will be v0.8, not v0.9...)

Took me some time to figure out but this is due to a compatibility problem with a plugin I use and Unity latest version. This plugin was supposed to make modding easy. Just drop your 3D models of rooms, buildings or furniture in a mod folder and it'll be available in the game. Easy peasy. Unfortunately, it appears the creator of the plugin went MIA and I won't be able to get an update for this module meaning I had to find an alternative which I found among Unity native functionalities but will make adding models much more complicated in the future. 

In the end, I'm in the process of adapting my code to this forced change which will still take a few days but will fix the issue. I'll also try to roll out the Free Mode update at the same time while I'm at it so that the v0.8 content is not only some lame bug fix and optimization stuff.

I've also tinkered with my hair shaders trying to figure out why it sucks indoor (dark hair appearing super bright and such) or feel so plain and figured I was missing some important occlusion and specular maps. I've also applied some dithering, a method to fake hair transparency and avoid transparency issues when using default transparent materials in the game. This should make hair look better though it'll take some time to upgrade male hair as well as skin, outfits, furniture and rooms. But this should upgrade Glassix 2 visual quality up a notch once completed. I'll focus on the bug fix and Free mode only for v0.8, this part will come in another update, only female hair will be updated as a preview in next version.

Sorry about the delay again. Hopefully sticking with native Unity features will prevent such set backs in the future. 

Thanks for your patience and support!


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