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Hi all !

The poll has ended and the result is less one sided that I thought :

26 for 3D animations to 20 for static 3DCG

As explained, I'll go with the majority this time and will work with 3D animations and will do my best to deliver top quality animations so you can enjoy this game differently than my other ones.

I'm still in the middle of learning how to use Unity and Daz3D to deliver what I promised but it's going well so far. Now that we've reached the middle of April, I'm going back to Glassix so I can deliver the new update for the end of this month. I'll be back on Lust Complex at the beginning of next month. So my planning will be half-half on each game. I'll try to release some preview of this new game for next month to show you how it's going.

Thanks a lot for your time and support !



It is, which is why I'm starting with a small project with a pretty straight forward gameplay. I'll focus on nice animations for this one to cover the lack of gameplay :p


Is any version of Lust Complex available?


Not at all, the game is not even started yet :p I'm still in the self teaching part and expect to release a small teaser this month.