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Vampire Revenge is my first project and has been finished thanks to my patrons help.

Play as a weakened vampire on its way for revenge. Battle sexy enemies  and either capture them with your vampire hypnosis or defeat them to get  your revenge. Customize their equipment and upgrade your castle to  unlock more powers. 

The game contains 5 animated sex scenes (handjob, blowjob, missionary, doggy and standing). 

If you pledged the 10$ reward, you can access the download links on this post.




Hello , wanted to know if the free version from patreon of Vampire revenge got same bugs as the dlsite version? (equipement/weapon/underwear sold in town buged and instead selling equiped item of slave girl in room. And armor magicaly poping in girl inventory or getting lvl 0 buged equipement)....... i want to support you with hope you'll do something about that and of course one day puting back your other project but..... don't want to pay for something buged.....


This bug should have been solved and the game updated on DLSite. Let me know if it's not, I'll double check.


well 2 friend bought vampire revenge on dlsite (english one) and told me after a few day the bug is still here..... if you're sure i will support you with a 10$ pledge for get the game here uncensored but i need confirmation :)


well 2 friend bought vampire revenge on dlsite (english one) and told me after a few day the bug is still here..... if you're sure i will support you with a 10$ pledge for get the game here uncensored but i need confirmation :)


Sure, no worries. I'll check this again tomorrow (being late right now) and will let you know. Thanks for letting me know !


no problem, i'll check tomorrow for your answer later then !


Confirmed Vampire Revenge is still buged on DLSITE and on your patreon for the 10$ reward , exact same problem about item sold in Town and poping armor etc in inventory nothing fixed since 1years+ cancelled my pledge and my friend too .... not serious at all


If you fix the game i don't want a refund but if you continue to lie like this about not knowing the game have a game breaking bug still here after more than 1 year and you'll never fix it sure i'll take the refund.....


I'm working on a fix for this bug. And I was not lying when I said I thought it was solved. The thing is you're the first one to report this bug after I updated the game. After double checking, the fix I did last time did not fix all of the bug and I'm now investigating the issue to deliver a proper fix. I intend to have a bug free game even if it's an old game but if I'm not aware of the bug, I can't really look into it ^^ The fix should be out soon, I'll let you know asap. Thanks again for the feedback !


6 month ago someone posted here about the bug but there is no report after if it was fixed or not and the DLsite version all reviews with complain or talking about game breaking bug are deleted by the site for who know why ....... or rejected (we were 3 trying to post a review explaining the bug and all 3 were "rejected")... So you're saying since end of july 2016 i'm the first one reporting the game breaking bug still there? that strange that mean all who played the game just cancelled their patreon and noone told you? i find this a bit too big realy :-/


Well I might have failed to let players know it was updated. I'll be more careful from now on. As for DLSite, you are right, they do block negative reviews. I myself bought several games there and for a few of them, I left a negative review which never went past their authorization whereas the positive review I left passed. I guess they just want good reviews so they just block all the bad ones automatically. As for the game itself, I don't know how many players play the game but I did not get any feedback in the last few months so I assumed the bug was solved. Your feedback clearly tells me it's not and I've checked it. I found the problem and solved it, I'll post about it after this reply to let all patrons now. I'm sorry it took 6 months to solve but I can only react if I have feedback and again, you're the first one to tell me the bug was still there. I don't want to let my patrons play buggy games so don't hesitate to let me know if you encounter any other bug, I'll be sure to solve them asap, even if the game is old.


After checking, I might have not checked this bug when it was reported. I usually try to solve bug asap but since I rarely get feedback for this game, it must have slipped my mind 6 months ago even though I said I would check it. Sorry about that. As a way to apologize, I decided to make the game free for this month. The bug has been solved and you can use the links in the post to get the updated version. Sorry again about this mistake and thanks for your feedback.


To be honest i thought the game would stay buged forever and you were not serious ...... but nice surprise you actualy fixed the game and fast..... pretty rare to find a developer like you who actualy realy care. Sry if i was a bit rude to you but serious Patreon developer are starting to be realy rare so i wasn't expecting much and i was wrong ...... Thanks a lot for the good job (already tested and finished the game finaly could enjoy it till the end) ! Btw you should update your game on the Dlsite too , couldn't hurt to get your game sale a bit more with a new update and unbuged game.


No worries. I thought it would be something like that ^^ Even if the game is old, I still want it to be bug free and I kept the files so it was still possible to debug it. The bug you reported really screwed up the game and made it impossible to play properly, so it was a priority to debug for me. For the DLSite version, I'll try to update it too asap but I remember they were quite annoying with the censorship. Took me several triesto get it right like they wanted. But I'll get it done eventually :)