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Hi all !

Well, 2017 has just started and I thought I would take the time to add a retrospective post about how 2016 went for me with your help as well as give you some important news about how I see 2017 (good ones :p).

To start I'd like to thank all my patrons, past, present and future for the trust and support. Most of you are actually silent and how I see it : a silent patron is a satisfied patron so I'll take it as doing a good job so far.

Continuing on the good news, on December 23rd 2016, my wife delivered my first born boy ! 

I'm not a big fan of exposing one's private life but in my opinion, being a Patreon's creator is a responsibility towards the patrons. Having a first kid is no small change in my daily life which will impact your expectations if handled poorly. However, I can confirm you I'll keep the current pace : at least 1 release per month guaranteed. You don't have to worry about it ending up like the "Breeding Season" campaign. I know exactly where I'm going and where are my limits.

Now a little chronology : I started my Patreon campaign in February 2016 and got 4 patrons on the first month ! Virtual hug to them : Ji, Erik, Zhenji and Matthew !! Woohoo ! :D The idea was to find funds to hire an artist to work on my 2D game, Vampire Revenge. However I had a feeling just this game would not be enough to interest people so I decided to start Glassix, which became free pretty fast to avoid copyright issues and which grew to become the game you have today.  My idea was on spot because now, most of you are now more interested in Glassix and for good reasons. It has a unique gameplay, better graphics and if you followed each release posts, you must be aware of all the awesome features I wanna add to create (one of) the best free hentai game on the web. :D

As for Vampire Revenge Rebirth, well... to be frank, Glassix is taking SO MUCH time I don't have much left in the month for it. I try to adapt my work on the games depending on my campaign income and currently, I can work about half time on them, but Glassix takes most of it, leaving little time for me to properly work on Vampire Revenge Rebirth. I'm not too sure if I should try again to skip a month for Glassix and just focus on VRR so it can be done faster and give my patrons a better reward for pledging. Plus, looking at the thousands of downloads for Glassix and seeing the number of pledges, I can't shake the feeling that if I had a good game to offer as a 10$ pledge reward which would be updated monthly like Glassix, I would get so many more patrons like what I see on other Patreon's creators campaigns. Yup, I'm greedy :D But now with a kid, any extra income is welcome ! Moreover if I could work full time on the games and drop my main job, that would be the jackpot ! :)

Anyway for the moment, I'll take my time and keep going as usual, like I always do. You can expect Glassix v0.11 in 2 or 3 weeks this month. For VRR first version, end of March would be the best guess right now.

I hope you'll all have a nice year 2017 !


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