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Hi everybody!

I think it's high time for some proper explanations about why the last two months have been quite bareboned in release and news...

Some explanations first

So let's start with October... It's a bit personal so I was hesitating to share it but with the additional delay in November, I might as well give the full story, which I'll try to keep short...

I got a little sister living in Singapore, married with two 2 kids and she developed cancer early 2022 (strangely shortly following her two shots of Pfizer Covid vaccines...). She started chemo treatment but it gave her horrible side effects like heavy damage to nerves with complete loss of sensation and control, nausea, diarrhea, without counting several infections here and there, like fungus infection in her lungs and more... So the alternative to chemo was bone marrow transplant, and with nowadays science discovery, it's simply some stem cells injections. Luckily I am a perfect match for her so I had to go to Singapore, get some shots to boost my stem cells count, then get plugged for a day to a machine extracting the stem cells from my blood and reinjecting the rest back in and finally, injecting my sister with my extracted stem cells. In the end, it seemed to have worked. She's been in remission for 1 month now and the latest check up is also positive for remission so let's cross fingers. Coming back to China was welcomed by a 10 days quarantine too. So October has been a bit of a slow month for me.

As for November, I've still been focusing on Glassix 2 on my side while CarpeNoctem still works on Glassix, albeit at a much slower pace due to personal health issue on his side which, unfortunately, appears to be long term. I did receive his files mid November but that's when a Covid increase happened in China (where I live) and as with any major events like this, they put an embargo on Internet and my VPN couldn't connect anymore, so no more Google, Twitter, Patreon, porn forums and websites and so on for me. Usually, it takes a few days for my VPN provider to fix the issue but this time, it still persist as of today and I finally found a new chinese VPN host yesterday which works despite the other VPNs still being down. Which allowed me to finally release Glassix 0.76 and give you some proper explanations...

With those delays, my work on Glassix 2 has continued but with the recent decrease in support (which is understandable considering my poor PR skills and lack of update for the last two months...), I had to increase my web dev work to match the loss and try to get more since I have 2 kids now (Second one being born in August this year) so I'm about on a half/half schedule for games/web dev work.

Where does that leave my campaign?

For Glassix

Glassix is in the process of being completed, we're only adding missing content for some girls related to core mechanism (like possession spell events) or missing outfits images. We have a general goal page to keep track of what's missing and we'll do our best to complete everything. CarpeNoctem will focus on the possession events and some missing options related to his own girls events while I'll take charge of adding some missing images here and there for some girls (night girlfriend images for the new girls, some sexy missing outfits here and there and so on) I won't add new content on my side. With CarpeNoctem situation, I'll have to stretch release times to once each 2 or 3 months now depending on how he fares with an extra release on my side containing all the missing images I have to produce which I'll try to release all at once, once Glassix 2 is more stable.

For Glassix 2

I'm still working on interactions with NPCs, with dynamic mood, animations and text lip sync, as well as adding proper menus so that all citizens, infrastructure, jobs, schedules and so on are properly documented directly in game. This means you'll have a proper menu to filter citizens by gender, job, residence and so on, know which job will be available, how to be promoted in a job with the related attributes or skills required. Though it might be quite static in the next version but the ground work will have been prepared to easily expand the game and lead it to something unique in the porn game industry. I might take some shortcut here and there to speed up dev time and hopefully release something this month. I'll keep you updated.

End word

I sincerely apologize for those two poorly handled months PR wise. Being a dev, I'm kinda in my own world focused on my tasks and forget to properly share what's happening around, bad habits die hard... It is not my intention to take your money without proper exchange in the form of a new version each month and if you feel cheated about the situation, please contact me to get a refund for the last two months.

My situation is stable at the moment and I'll focus on Glassix 2 to deliver something worthy of your support asap, hopefully this month.

Thanks again for your patience and trust!

Have a nice day!



Your sincerity is greatly appreciated by us! Don't worry, family is everything. Well done for helping your sister and I'm sure she'll be better soon! Best regards!