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Hi everybody!

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  • Added possession events for Okimi and Iyo
  • Added first pimping event (Devil's Lust spell) for Iyo, Romita and Emika
  • Completed alternative endings for handjob commands
  • Updated some images in Kumiko's possession event
  • Extended harem ending with Lily x Anael scene (VIP request by Xarexes)
  • Chinese translation updated by Darkbatex (Thanks!)
  • Added missing Toilets and Bath options for Romita

Quite a few scenes this time around! 3 new pimping scene, 2 possession events, more alternative handjob endings and the harem ending has been extended with a Lily x Anael well deserved scene to end the game with a bang!

Don't forget Glassix now comes in APK format and can be played on mobile! The APK links are accessible on the game download page along with the desktop version. The APK can't be patched unfortunately so you'll need to download the whole APK again but the size is much smaller since images are much more compressed. The online version will stay in public version only.

I've also completed the final roadmap for Glassix which will be released soon so you know what's left to be done to complete it!

I hope you'll enjoy this new version, let me know if you encounter any bugs!

Tanks for your support! 




<p style="color: #008600;">Great progress! As I can see in this version there are many exciting scenes and it really pleases</p>