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Hi all,


A lot of you reported the game being flagged as dangerous by several antivirus. After trying my luck at a HTML5 version, I went back to the windows export to check more about the cause of this since v0.5 didn't have this problem.

Following advices, I did a thorough virus scan of my computer with Spybot and Malwarebytes to confirm I had no virus on my drives. Only 3 unrelated cookie tracers were detected and have been cleaned since then.

Then, I checked my nwjs installation, deleted it completely and reinstalled the latest version of it. I tried several exports with this new version and it does appear to be finally clean of virus, as indicated by this scan on virustotal.com.

Finally I checked if the problem might have also come from the tool I use to change the icon of the game. I'm using resource hacker to edit it and after some test, it does appear to impact the result of a few antivirus. So to solve this, I'm not using this tool anymore, meaning no glasses icon but it doesn't really matter right now.

To sum up, I've updated the game with this new version of nwjs and it should be clean now.

Unfortunately, I still do not know why or how my previous version of nwjs got flagged as infected and I do not know if it is indeed a real threat or just a false positive as initially thought. I'd recommend scanning your own drive just in case.

I'd like to apologize for this inconvenience. I'll be more cautious for any future releases and be sure to have a total scan before release from now on.

I'd also like to thank all of you who took the time to help me figure out the issue, it has been really helpful and educating.

Thanks again for your time and patience !



Ok now I got to know Naomi and i´m stuck... the game hangs up afterwards... you can´t get anywhere, Naomi´s house is locked, you can´t even wait... end of this Version reached!!


To make it straight: The game is not playable anymore with this version. :( The Update made a very good game a pure mess. ;)


Yes, sorry about that ! I updated the game after working my whole Sunday on it and was a bit too eager to get it done, forgot to check those parts. It's been corrected now, let me know if you find other bugs ! :)