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Hi guys!

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  • Fixed bug with language flags display when more than 2
  • Fixed bug with switching language (Thanks Darkbatex!)

A quick fix for the language switcher which was not working as intended. Unity has trouble reading CSV files if any translation contains spaces so I used a simple work around to replace any line break by a unique string which will be then broke again when loaded into the game. Not for a lack of trying to find a regex to split a CSV with spaces inside but none so far :'( So anyway, now it should be fine but you'll have to redownload the language zip if you want to add your translation to the game.

I've also updated the online translation interface to add 2 filters: One to only display untranslated strings and another one to show inconsistent translations, which happens when the number of line breaks in the original string does not match the number of line breaks in the translation, which is most of the time a simple typo error. This should make it easier to handle translation and find mistakes. I've also fixed the Google Translate limit popup error not showing.

Finally, this patch is a good opportunity to test my patching process for Glassix 2 and see if everything works correctly. I've tested in local and the patch seems to be working properly. Of course, you can only patch from v0.2.0, not from v0.1.0. Just put the zip file inside the game folder, unzip it and overwrite, same as Glassix.

Let me know if you find any more bug. I'll go back to the Roots editor now.

Thanks for your time and support!



I think everything will be fine and there will be no problems after your bug fixes.