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Hi everybody!

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Soooo, this will come as a surprise for everybody since I never talked about such an update and I replied by a negative when players requested this a long time ago... But hey, life finds a way! Wait, wrong quote... I meant that I wanted to give a shot at mobile platforms (you know, expand your possibilities, get more players, get more money, the usual stuff :D) since Glassix is actually an HTML/JS game at its root. It did require some updates for saved games to work properly plus some input update for mobile touch too but overall, the few days spent on this should be worthwhile, I hope!

Images have been optimized to webp format, which shrunk the final size from ~6.6Gb to ~1.5Gb at a minor/average quality loss overall. Might use this for the desktop version too in the future since the quality loss/size shrink ratio is quite impressive compared to the current PNG optimization tool I use currently. Let me know how you feel about the images in game regarding their quality.

Now regarding the Android version, there ARE a few quirks. First, the rollback feature during conversation is not available nor is the zoom in/out in x-ray mode since there is no mouse wheel. I'll check if I can replace it by a drag up/down at a later date. Also, the city map is quite slow to load, several seconds each time. I'll work on improving the performances later too. The buttons are also a bit small, same with the font size. I left it as is at the moment until you give me some feedback. I've updated the help menu to explain the mobile control but you should be able to guess it: X-Ray mode is now enabled by a tap holding on the screen and you can then drag the glasses around. Release tap to cancel X-Ray mode... Discussion skip mode is also enabled by tap holding. Tooltips are displayed by tap holding the icons too and are displayed in the opposite screen corner of your tap. I could only check the APK on my own phone which is chinese and uses a different OS but it was working fine so I hope there won't be trouble on a proper Android phone...

As for the online version accessible on the website (Edit: It does not work on Firefox unfortunately due to some XPath bug with the name() tag... Dunno why...), since it uses ajax to load all images, there's some delay depending on your connection so it's mainly here to check the game before downloading it for new players since it's always easier to have everything on local, plus my server is located in Europe which would make it slower in America or Asia. I'll see how many players uses the online version next month and if it's really necessary, it would be possible to open an America and/or Asia servers in the future. We'll see.

It might also be possible to get an IOS version of the game though more complicated since Apple is such a pain in the ass for devs. I'll look into it at a later date. There were also Linux/MacOS request versions. There is already a Linux patching method out there but I'll look into making a proper release for those platforms at a later date too.

Let me know if you encounter any bugs using those two new platforms.

Thanks for you time and support!




Well, that are actually good news. 👍 But then you misused that meme. Did you never watch Futurama? Everytime the professor had "good news", they were only good news for himself but bad news for everybody else.


Yes, you definitely know how to surprise)) You made a great step forward by making Glassix available on android and online.