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  • Female Body Editor initial release
  • Enabled online translation sharing
  • Enabled online Female Body Cards sharing

So! Here is the result of several months of work...  I wanted to add so much more to it but I decided it would be better to try and resume a monthly release schedule starting now for Glassix 2 so I can get some feedback since I tend to go head first into the code, sometimes forgetting about what would be better for players. This will allow you to test out what you've been supporting me for and give me feedback so I can adjust.

This release focuses on the Female Body Editor, which allows the player to customize the appearance of the girls in game and share it with others through a card image, either by uploading it to the Glassix 2 website or sharing the card directly on your preferred platform once the game has some gameplay. If you've played Illusion games before, you should be familiar with this process.

The editor should give a wide freedom of customization and I'll be adding more to it in the future once the game is more stable. I won't detail too much on how it work since it should be pretty straightforward and most players should already be used to such UI already implemented in other games before.

Instead, I'll talk the few things which makes this editor a bit different from the others as well as some extra important features which should be operational in a basic state right now, some of which I have already introduced in my previous videos. Those can be summed up in 7 points:

  • Aging process
  • Character sharing
  • Translation
  • Patching
  • Mods
  • Compatibility
  • Editor improvement

1) Aging process

This point has already been introduced in previous videos but I'll detail it a bit more here.

Glassix 2 will let players play through many different scenarios  where you'll live a virtual life which will possibly span several years or decades, depending on how you play the scenario and skip time using an automation feature to avoid the grind. The NPCs will age with you and their appearances will change over time. When you design your body, you design it based on its peak state. Then, when a scenario uses your body, a certain age will be assigned and its appearance will be adapted based on its age, depending several age thresholds which are:

  • 18 years old: The body appears the youngest with a smaller, slender body and a younger face compared to what you designed
  • 24 years old: The body reaches its peak state and will match what you designed
  • 45 years old: The body starts to age and the body will receive different aging effects, such as the breasts sagging, the neck getting wrinkles and so on. Hair will also start to get greyer.
  • 60 years old: The body reaches its oldest state and won't receive any more aging effects. Hair are fully grey.

This feature should make the game more lively. Of course, you'll have ways to overcome old age, such as hair dye or plastic surgery in game :D

2) Character sharing

After creating your body, you can save it with a name and an author. You'll also be able to choose a background and frame for your card, as well as add you own backgrounds and frames by simply dropping your images inside the related "Glassix2_Data/StreamingAssets/Cards" folders (2:3 ratio). Saving creates a PNG image inside the "Glassix2_Data/StreamingAssets/Characters/Female/Body" game folder and you'll be able to share it either on the game website or directly by sending the image to whoever you want. At the moment, this feature is quite useless obviously but since we're looking long term, this will allow creators to create girls and players to download pretty girls without having to meddle with the editor themselves.

Among the features which are a bit lacking is the website sharing page which is missing filters to... filter girls by specific criteria. I'll add those later, offering a lightweight filter showing only the critical filters (weight, height and such) and a complete one which would show all the sliders you have in game so you can fine tune your search (Not sure yet about the complete one since it might be overkill with that many sliders for just a search filter, we'll see).

In the long run, I'd also like to include the sharing feature directly in game, with a game option to enable and disable online features.

3) Translation

The game website offers an interface to easily translate the game and its mods in the future. Players who want to start a translation project simply need to add their language online and choose which mod to translate (only the core game at the moment + the website as a bonus). Plus there is a log history if several players are working on the same language to keep things neat. The online interface is a bit lacking at the moment, I'll add filters so you can display only the non translated strings or search specifics strings. But it should do for a first shot ;)

If you don't like the online translation interface, you can also directly duplicate the "en" folder inside the  "Glassix2_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages" and name it to your own ISO2 language code then translate any CSV in it, column A being the english reference and column B being the translation, should be easy peasy :p And don't forget the flag which is a simple png image too.

Then you'll be able to share your translation by zipping the folder and image then send it wherever you want.

4) Patching

Since I'd like to have a monthly release and the game is going to be BIG, I've been paying attention on how patching works in Unity. The heavy and static content, such as skin textures or 3D models, have been packed inside separate packages which should not have to be redownloaded when a new version is shipped. For reference, current version is about 3.4Gb in size and the static content is about 2.5Gb, meaning you should be saving those 2.5Gb of download in the future (expect if I notice I messed up some of those package and might have to update them :x). That's about 900Mb of data which I should still be able to reduce in size in the future since I didn't optimize all of it yet.

This first version will give me the needed experience to further complete my patching skills and reduce the patch size as much as possible.

5) Mods

I'm planning to have the game moddable to some extent. I've prepared the basic framework but nothing to show off yet. Just know it's part of the long term features ;)

Among the basic stuff you can "mod" would be the "Glassix2_Data/StreamingAssets/config.xml" file which lets you tweak some values in the game. Like the weight of hair getting grey with old age or how young the character face will appear (I didn't want to make it too young to not get banned on the web, but some players might want younger looks than what I set up) or how flat the young girls chests are (same reason again). Just noticed I forgot to put back the popup destroy timer back to 3~4 sec so that might be one thing you'd like to change in the file. I'll fix it either in a patch or in next version ;)

6) Compatibility

From my experience with Lust Complex, I've noticed handling 3D games can be tricky with all the different player setups, mainly the different resolutions. I've taken some extra time with this initial version to check different screen size and hopefully, there shouldn't be problems with UI scaling or such in Glassix 2, though it'll need more testing and feedback.

Linux and Mac versions might also be possible but I haven't ventured on this path yet and I am not planning to look into it yet. But it's planned for the long term ;) First, I'll focus on releasing a game with proper gameplay ;)

7) Editor improvements

I couldn't add everything I wanted in this editor but know that I'll update it once the game is more stable. My aim right now is to deliver a playable game, not just editors. But to do so, I'll first need the complete the Male Body Editor, then work on the Roots Editor which will be a huge chunk of work again. Then I'll be able to work on the gameplay itself. But here are a few editor improvements you can expect in the future from the top of my head:

  • More skin textures
  • More hair styles
  • Sliders will show actual values for easier gauge
  • Reset to default value buttons

That's about it for this version. I'm a bit worried I rushed to much into its release but I'll try to be reactive depending on your feedback. So don't hesitate to drop me a message if you encounter any strange behavior.

Thanks for you patience and support!




Will modding of textures. shaders and lighting be eventually possible?


Lighting I don't think so. Shaders are packed in usual Unity packages so if you know your way around, you can get access to them, I think. For textures, parts of them will be packed too, like skins, hair or eyes textures since those come from Daz directly and are quite complex to make while other will be in the Mods folder (Facial Details, Makeup etc...). I'll see in the long run if I should also give easier access to the private textures.