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Dear patrons,

1) Graphics :

2) More girls variations :

3) Exploration system changed :

4) Training upgraded :

It's been a while since I kept you updated with Vampire Revenge Rebirth. Last time I wrote you about it, it concerned 2 new H scenes to come and improvements done with the characters animations. Well, a lot has change right now but I'll need to explain from the beginning.

The goal of my patreon campaign was to get funds to hire an artist and upgrade my first game, Vampire Revenge, which I developed alone, graphics included.

With the early low incomes from the campaign, I started to hire an artist to take care of the graphic overhaul. There were several candidates but due to the limited funds at the time, I had to find one with the best ratio between skills and fees. The current version of the game has mainly been done by him but he went AWOL after a few months of work. I tried to find some replacements but matching an artist style is always tricky so the quality of the latest H scenes varies from the original design.

Then came Glassix, which uses SBPR Studio screenshots to generate content, which I think most of you enjoy. I'm also guessing it's the main reason why I get so much support. The reason is quite simple, the quality of Vampire Revenge Rebirth is not good enough to reach the players compared to the 3DCG generated with a professional 3D program, which is understandable.

This made me think a lot about what I wanted to deliver with VRR. The current objective to update the game in its current state was not enough to gather players. And I can do so much more with the game now that I have some support. However, I have to restart properly if I want to deliver a high quality game which could rival Glassix. There are many points which will need to be reworked and among them :

Thanks to your support, I don't have to worry as much about the artist fees as before and I found one artist whose style gets close to the classic japanese hentai style I was originally aiming for. It doubles the cost but I'm hoping to get much quality characters for the game, as well as their stances reviewed since the original ones were somewhat weird. The main image of this post is a work from the new artist and you should be able to see the difference in quality. Moreover, the animations will be smoother thanks to the new software I'm using.

This is what a lot of players found annoying in the game : the lack of variation in girl. It was basically the same with some color and hair change. Again, with your support, I'm now able to expand the game and includes different types of girl in the game. Here is an early sketch done by the new artist :

There would be 4 types of girls : Loli, Teen, Young adult, Milf.

Moreover, a personality trait will be added in the game giving them different stances in battle. I'm planning 2 general personalities for all girls : stoic and aggressive, plus 1 exclusive personality for each type : childish, tomboy, airhead, mature.

With those new systems, the characters will have more unique stances in the game and it'll feel less repetitive visually. Those traits, girl type and personality, will also be possible criteria for the brothel jobs which was planned before and still is.

The current top/down maze exploration is currently a bit dull and lacks feeling. I'm planning to expand this by adding a first person point of view, like what you have in the other RPG Makers game.

Moreover, more options will be added during exploration such as traps and customizable skills for the girls as they level up. Hopefully, those changes will make the exploration side more entertaining for the player.

This part has already been detailed before. Several attributes will be added to the girl which will increase during sexual training and you will need to improve them to fulfill the requirements for the brothel jobs and earn money.

There are also some tweaks prepared for the castle customization but all the previous points should be the most important.

This leads me to the important part of this post. What I'm writing means I'm going to restart the project from the beginning, salvaging pieces of code from VR. But a fresh start is required since a lot of mechanics will be different and some parts of the old code could actually be optimized.

It will take me 1 or 2 months to have a first demo of this new version so you might have to be patient.

I'm not planning to let all the efforts done on the previous update go to waste though. Vampire Revenge Rebirth version 1.1 will be used as a free update for Vampire Revenge on DLSite and I'll try to release it on other websites to get more funds for the new artist fees which more than quadrupled what I planned at the beginning.

So basically, the current version 1.1 is simply an update for Vampire Revenge and the new project I'm starting is the new Vampire Revenge Rebirth.

Of course, any patrons who pledged at least 10$ once in the past will have access to both games final release.

If you pledged this month hoping to get a VRR update and feel cheated, I want to assure you this was not intended at all and you can contact me for a refund. My main purpose here is to deliver the best quality hentai game as possible and I know I would not be able to do so if I was only focusing on updating VR, a fresh start was required.

I hope you can understand. I'll keep you updated when I have more news on this side but you shouldn't expect much until at least September.

Thanks again for your support !

Here are a few more images:

- New girls haircuts (might change later on) :

- Another work from the new artist not related with the game but which shows what you can expect in the end :

That's all for the moment !


commission work by lynkn-d9xh794



Well look at you, you're doing quite well now :D Glad to see you listened to my advice and went to patreon. Best of luck to you my friend. Oslow


Still a long way to go before I can say I delivered what I wanted though :) A lot in planning !


Is there a cheat for Vampire Revenge?