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Hi again guys,

I'll start this post by sincerely apologizing for the complete lack of news regarding Lust Complex last month. I was suppose to deliver 0.6 by the end of February after 2 months of work but I ended up with a huge website project which took most of my time from mid February to late March and left me little time or motivation to focus on Lust Complex. Once finished, I realized it had been a month without news about Lust Complex (even forgetting the usual scheduled tier posts for Glassix) and was thinking about writing a news about it but seeing it was near the end of the month and the new version was almost ready, I delayed it again. That's when my computer screen decided to bail on me and I missed the end month deadline I had planned... Then after getting a new one, since I was late again, I decided to add a few more stuff (pregnancy and multi save) than what was originally planned since I thought it would be fast. But then again, stuff doesn't go the way we expect and Daz3D (the software I use for the 3D models in Lust Complex) had an update which screwed up some stuff and delayed me even more. In the end, I completed everything only today, 7th of April and decided to post the new version plus an apology regarding all this, if laziness and poor planning can be excused.

Anyway, with this new version, the code is now better organized and will allow me to add more outfits and hair styles without impacting the memory usage or loading times which was an important goal. I plan to reuse parts of Lust Complex code for my next games which made this optimization much more important. And as to why my code wasn't clean from the start, it's due to the usual newbie mistakes, following tutorials which do give you basic information but once you get into the code, you realize there are a lot of optimizations to do. Still learning ;) So next version will focus on better animations and more outfits/hair. I'm still looking into hiring a 3D animator but due to the busy schedule, I did not have much time to deal with this part so for the moment, I might have to deal with that myself.

I'm now planning to go back a monthly release for Lust Complex and hope to complete it by June. I might have a few polls to get your opinions about a few points regarding Lust Complex in the next weeks or months.

Though one thing I have to say is, I was surprised by the lack of inquiries about the status of the game during March. Looking on the bright side, it either means you guys trust me enough or you just care about Glassix or you forgot you pledged to my campaign :p Anyway, it's nice to be able to screw up once in a while without fearing a complete drop in support.

I have more to say about Lust Complex but I'll keep it for another news after this new version has been more tested.

Once again, I need to thank you all for your patience, understanding and support. 



I'd welcome the ability to run Lust Complex in windowed mode. Doesn't look good on 32" monitor in UHD. There's also no need for full screen.


Well, nevertheless, you still caught up and made the release today, better late than never. And good luck with improving your animation skills)


Yep indeed, since some of the textures are self made and I'm not too familiar with this stuff, I usually work with 1920x1080 in mind which might be ugly in higher resolution. I'll have to keep in mind some players have really huge screens lol :D


Thanks! will try though it's not really my cup of tea. The best would be to find someone skilled and reliable to do it but finding the right person is always a challenge :x


Thanks :-) And it isn't just about textures, by this kind of a game, you can be doing other things in parallel, surfing the web, even doing some productive work and playing while you're waiting for something... Full screen is great for immersion in games like Skyrim or Far Cry or anything else you prefer, but it isn't needed in cases like this (same for most visual novels, for example).