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  • French translation updated by CarpeNoctem
  • Chinese translation updated by Darkbatex

There were no bug reported in 0.47.0 so only translations updated for this patch so you can skip it if you play in english. 




was the Issue for Sarah's Secret event ever resolved? ( it was brought up here in this year old post and I just ran into the same issue: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glassix-0-34-25016738) ; I have Sarah at Obedience level 4, and her affection and obedience are well above sufficient, but I still see 'Sarah's Secret must not have been discovered by male classmates unchecked' ; I've never run into this event yet in the game.


I got around it by changing the 2 in {"varkeepsarahsecret\":\"2\"} to 1 within the save json; but it isn't clear to me why this would happen in the first place, in your previous post you stated that obedience lvl 3 might increment this? That doesn't make sense per story, so likely a bug?


hi i have some bug with french version: Error gil language fr file : c\user\....\Glassix0.47.0\data/Lang/fr/MerchantA.xml


Well, the process is this : The secret is indeed a secret when starting a new game : value = 1, when it's 1, the secret is safe. During the week in the afternoon, once Sarah has 150 affection and 150 obedience , you can go to the school gate to trigger an event where some classmates finds out Sarah is a porn star. value = 3 You have two choices there : Let the boys leak the secret. You become friend with Kanto and value = 0 Help Sarah keep her secret. You'll unlock a repeatable event foursome and value = 1 There is another event with Hikari. If you reveal it to Hikari, you get some point to get Hikari's vote for the new school uniform and value = 0 plus a repeatable event Otherwise you don't tell Hikari and value =1. There was an issue before were the value was not set properly so it might be why you couldn't trigger it. But if you used an old save, the previous only work on new games so that might be why it didn't work for you.


You're right, there was a bug with the file. I fixed it. You'll have to redownload the patch and reapply it. It should fix the issue.


ahh got it, yeah. This game is definitely from a legacy save file. Given your logic, a value of two shouldn't happen naturally. but I'm guessing that this variable used to be a 2 in older versions?


Not exactly, the problem occured because we tried to change 2 variables in the same line and at that time, this did not work and instead, assigned the last variable value in the list, which happened to be 2. There are 2 variables created during this event, sarahsecretgirl, which is used to know if you leaked the Hikari, value can be either 1 for yes and 2 for no and secretsarahboys to know if you leaked it to boys, value is either null for no or 1 for yes. From this, we can assume you did try to not leak the secret to Hikari but due to the bug, it was considered as leaked.