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  • Added Nabila level 1
  • Added Daisuki level 1
  • Added slave pimping button in the girl status page, 3 girls max. Requires Slave mode and Devil's Lust spells as well as having unlocked a specific event related to pimping.
  • Pimping girls using this new button now earns some money and sexen at the beginning of each day
  • Added 3 short daily pimping events for each girl
  • Added Daisuki's house in Downtown Bakery and Bakery Street
  • Added Nabila's house in Northside street H
  • Chinese translation updated by Darkbatex
  • Fixed bug with Iyo not sleeping at night (Thanks Peixe751!)

Soooo, I'm late again for this version, sorry about that. I've been swamped with web dev last month and it took me some time to catch up. Anyway, everything is back in order.

This new version includes 2 new girls level 1, thanks to CarpeNoctem for his hard work.

As for the new slave events, as said before, I decided to make it a bit different than the usual additional events. There is now a new button in the girl status page which allows you to order your slaves to pimp themselves automatically each day during their leisure time. This requires both the Slave mode and the Devil's Lust spells as well as having triggered the first pimping event of the girl. This changes their usual behavior and instead of going home or go to their hobby places, they will instead go to the airport rooms and will spend their time pleasing customers there. This will earn you some money and sexen automatically each day. Only 3 girls at a time can be ordered to pimp themselves. There are 3 shorts pimping events for each girl, one for each room.

The aim was to make the mid/end game a bit easier with automatic money and sexen for players who don't cheat (wait, do they even exist? Kidding :p I know some of you play fair ;P). This new daily income might need some tweaks though, I'll wait for your feedback on it.

Finally, the chinese translation has been updated by another player, Darkbatex. So I've enabled the chinese language once more in the game. A huge thanks to him for his hard work. I know russian language has been requested too but since it has not been updated for so many versions, I'll leave it out to keep things clean. Either a new translator shows up or once the game is completed, I'll use some quick machine translations tools to complete all the removed languages. We'll see.

Thanks again for your patience and support and let me know if you encounter any troubles with this version!





Atsuko directly or indirectly affected Events for at least three women, and the role has existed long ago. When did you plan to start writing her story?


MInor bug: Applying the patch doesn't increment the version number in-game. (It claims I'm still on version 45.1)


The next two girls to be completed will be Nabila and Daisuki since CarpeNoctem started work on them, after them, there is no specific order but as you said, Atsuko would be a good choice since she does impact other stories more than other girls. I'll check with CarpeNoctem.


Ah fuck you're right, I forgot to add a file in the patch zip :/ You'll have to download the patch again. Sorry about that :x